Krissy Remple


PhD Candidate


I was born and raised Oregon and lived throughout the Willamette Valley before moving to Honolulu. During undergrad, I was fortunate to work in a plant genetics lab where I learned basic molecular biology techniques and fell in love with lab work. After graduating, I worked in biotech developing bench top instruments for researchers, a job that allowed me to develop skills in marketing and user centered innovation. Ultimately though, I missed lab work and decided to attend graduate school to learn more about microbial ecology and develop analytical skills.

Research Interests

I'm particularly interested in the microbial ecology of biofilm and bacterioplankton communities. My work is primarily focused in coastal and oceanic environments, and aims to understand the impacts of climate change and nutrient pollution. I am further dedicated to garnering a scientifically literate community through education, outreach, and community engagement.


B.S. Oregon State University 2005; M.S. Oregon Health & Science University 2015; University of Hawaii Manoa (present)