Using Stroke Recorder in Expresii

First, please note that the Stroke Recorder is unfinished. But since some of you requested it, I'll let you play with it in the current state.

Here is a sample .XST (eXpresii STroke) file: ZhongGuoShuFa.XST. Please download it.

If you drag an .XST File into the main window of Expresii, you will see a Stroke Recorder window popped up. When you play the above XST file, the result should look like this:

By default, the recorder shows only one row of control. You can see a 2nd row of icons if you switch to 'Advanced' or 'Precise' user mode:

Please note that if you playback on the same machine multiple times, the results could be slightly different. I find it more so if running on another machine with a different brand of GPU.

If you would like to generate or edit an XST file, you can refer to the command list by choosing the menu item Display>'.XST commands...':

Capture playback to an animation file

When you play back the strokes, you can also capture and export the sequence as an animation. You can either choose capturing the artwork or the painting window. Currently, the output file format is .AVI.

On Windows10, we noticed that showing the compression option dialog would crash the app (it just quits without warning). To avoid the crash, you can make sure you uncheck 'Always show compression options' as shown in the above screenshot.