I installed Mathematica 10 long ago on my GNU/Linux Debian. Now I want to install Mathematica 11.0.1. The directory that I installed Mathematica 10 is /home/programfiles/mathematica/10. That is to say, when installed 10, I have changed the default directory to my home directory. I have searched the uninstall scripts, but there is no such a script-file in the installation directory. So, is it right to delete the whole /home/programfiles/mathematica/10? Or how can I uninstall Mathematica 10?

should tell you the location of the symbolic links. There are usually five or six symbolic links created when mathematica is installed. Some of them are math, mathematica, MathKernel, etc. Go ahead and delete all the symbolic links relevant to Mathematica.

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What that knowledgebase article doesn't tell you is that the installer won't blindly overwrite the symlinks in /usr/local/bin (well, not unless you set options to make it do that). So if the installer finds exisiting (symlinks to) executables in /usr/local/bin, it will ask you whether to overwrite or rename the existing links. Choose rename, and give them some sensible suffix (I use 1130). Then math and mathematica will refer to your most recently installed version, and older versions will have specific names. This is how I managed the more than 20 versions of Mathematica I have installed on my machine...

Also, the installer has a help message with brief descriptions of automation options for calling the script, which are useful if you'll be installing on a large number of machines. Do ./MathInstaller -help. (If you use the self extracting installer script rather than the CD image, it has a separate set of options for the extraction stage. Do ./installer.sh -help.)

What would be more useful is the version compatibility match to belisted. What were/are the versions of the libz and libfreetype, andwhat is the version of Mathematica, with which they are compatible.Also, what were the versions fo the libraries that were incompatible?Please edit your answer and add that information, if you can. Thanks.

The default ScreenResolution is 72dpi in a newly installed Mathematica. My monitor (and almost all modern monitors) use a higher resolution. In my case 96dpi. This means that everything rendered is tiny (it renders to 72/96 of what it was intended to run at). Controlling some fonts fails to control sizes in menus, icons, and tool bars in general. Bits and pieces of Mathematica can be enlarged through font or ScreenResolution changes, but it is difficult at best to get even part of what is too small back to a normal size. So here is how to fix this with a single step...

As far as I know, Mathematica has never really supported sound in Linux. The command Play was introduced in version 3, and the whole sound system overhauled in version 6. If you search comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica, you'll find questions going back all the way to version 3. In version 6, the command EmitSound was introduced. This now underlies most of the Mathematica sound generation, but I couldn't find a quick way to fix/hack it for linux, since EmitSound does some preprocessing (figuring out what types of objects its been given) before passing the sound to the frontend to evaluate.

The default sound driver/API used in most linux installs is ALSA (wiki). It became the default in 2002 in the linux kernel 2.6 and OSS was marked as "depreciated" (although OSS is still under active development). Many Linux distributions now use PulseAudio which sits on top of the underlying ALSA sound. (Anyone with a better understanding of Linux sound should feel free to edit this!)

The problem with both of these is that it only works with MIDI sounds, not with sampled sounds. At least this is true on my Ubuntu 10.10 system and the linux system of Scott Kruger (of the WRI Technical Support team).A bug report has been filed on this issue.

and you can add snd_pcm_oss and snd_mixer_oss to /etc/modules to load them at boottime.These modules are not readily available in Ubuntu 10.10 since they decided to remove the backwards compatibility. I can not test the above without recompiling my kernel...

Every time I try to open Mathematica (both, by terminal typing 'mathematica' and by clicking at Mathematica icon on the desktop) it does not open. It does not even start to load. When I type 'mathematica' at the terminal it gives the following message:

An issue with Mathematica 8 is a reproducible crash when performing WolframAlpha[] functions. By default, Mathematica is configured to detect the system's proxy settings when configuring how to connect to the internet to fetch data. A "bug" exists that will eventually crash Mathematica when the calling library is used. A workaround is to avoid this library call altogether by configuring Mathematica to "directly connect" to the internet. (Edit > Preferences > Internet Connectivity > Proxy Settings). This bug has been reported to Wolfram.

Install mathematicaAUR (need historical version). The Mathematica_10.XX.YY_LINUX.sh installation script is required; you will need to download this separately from Wolfram.com, your university, etc. You will also need an activation key.

Install mathematicaAUR. Obtain Mathematica_11.XX.YY_LINUX.sh from Wolfram Research, along with an activation key, and save it to the package build directory. Successful install may throw non-critical errors: xdg-icon-resource, mkdir, xdg-desktop-menu. For more details see the mathematica PKGBUILD file.

I was just trying the CDF player on linux and was comparing how the same demo looks using the CDF plugin on windows. I noticed something strange. Same demo, same initial values, but on windows, the same value shows as zero, while on linux it shows as 3.598 * 10^-19

This is a bit annoying, I hope that one does not have to test a Mathematica CDF on windows and mac and linux to make sure they work the same. I assumed things ought to be the same, other than appearance which might be different due to different OS styles and such. But shouldn't the numerical values be the same?

This is quite normal. Different hardware will produce different floating point results. Note that even if we only consider Intel x86 CPUs, there are several ways to do floating point maths at several precisions, all of which might produce slightly different results. Even just using different compilers with their different floating point libraries, or using different compiler optimization flags might easily give you slightly different floating point results. And of course Mathematica was compiled with different compilers on different platforms.

With WolframScript, users can decide where and how to run their Wolfram Language code. Along with configurable kernel and cloud settings, WolframScript includes a collection of convenience functions for a wide variety of tasks, including running pure functions with command-line input, calling cloud APIs and exporting data to any format supported by the Wolfram Language. Now you can run code in the Wolfram Cloud with wolframscript -cloud or with #!/usr/bin/env wolframscript -cloud in Unix shell scripts.

I did an installation of 9 the other day from the .sh file, which I then deleted manually (according to Wolfram to delete it you just have to delete the main folder), I wonder if something might have been left behind? (Yes I also deleted/~/.mathematica).

Ensuring the correct shared libraries are in the places Mathematica expectsthem has the potential to be the most difficult part. For most thingsMathematica will check the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but wants/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 to exist and point to an appropriate glibc library.

to install an entire ALARM distribution for the new architecture to /armv6h,along with several libraries Mathematica will look for. Follow the Arch installguide to set up the locale, and perhaps install a terminfo package.

If you're used to using Mathematica with the various input assistant palettes, then maybe the best option for you to switch to LaTeX is LyX. It has toolbars that contain everything you'd find in Mathematica's basic math assistant, so typing math and structuring your document is quite easy. Just like Mathematica, the math can be entered "by hand" or by using the toolbar.

Note that you could write your document fully in Mathematica and distribute it as CDF and PDF - this is a perfectly valid option. However, I don't believe that the export to LaTeX is optimal. I'm not a big fan of how it lays out the maths and which commands it uses to it with, but a larger issue is that it does not deal with numbered equations very well. And using Mathematica to generate every LaTeX equation you want (through TeXForm) then copy/pasting into your LaTeX document, is going to be very inefficient.

My personal opinion is that you should take the plunge and learn how to type LaTeX by hand. It's not that hard and is a useful skill. Kile or TeXWorks are both good linux environments, I use gedit with the LaTeX plugin. If you want to be hard core and impress your friends, then try Emacs (with AUXTeX) or vim (with LaTeX-suite). Ultimately, once you learn your way around one of these environments, then you'll get things done much faster than any GUI/WYSIWYG environment.

Equation elements provided by this editor include sub/super/over/under scripts, roots, fractions, matrices, fences, stretchy arrows,integrals, summation operators and accents. Symbols supported include greek letters, some old book symbols, mathematical operators and arrows.

1. Connect to the repository for the installation files here: UNH Mathematica. This folder is accessible to all UNH account holders, but you may have to login with your UNH username and password to gain access.

2. Open the folder for the Mathematica software.

3. Download the installation archive, in case will be a .iso file

4. cd to the directory where you downloaded the Mathematicia installation files

5. Mount the installer shown below - you may need to do this as root

mount -o loop Mathematica_12.1.0_LINUX.iso /mnt

cd /mnt/Unix/Installer


6. Follow the onscreen instructions.

7. When finished, the installer should report "installation complete" be457b7860

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