So I decided that I have reached the nerd level required to play subsim games and I'm looking to buy silent hunter III. However I read a review on steam that basically trashed the steam version of the game. It said that mods don't work on it and that it crashes and stuff. Is that really true and should I buy it from the ubisoft store or is it more or less the same? I use windows 10 btw.

You immediately order a crash dive to 120 meters. As your boot tilts downward and the hull groans and creaks in the dark abyss. Then you hear it. Ping... Ping... Ping... The enemy is using sonar. You order your men to rig for silent running. All orders are whispered from now on. You are still descending and pray for it to go faster; sonar projects like a flashlight cone in front and slightly downward of the ship, so the lower you are, the likelier you are to escape detection.

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- elf (or not) but not a 'silent hunter' and no skill unlock - normal penalty.

- silent hunter elf but no skill unlock - lowered penalty for being born talented.

- silent hunter and skill unlocked - the lowered penalty is halved.

if it was the other way around it would have started by unlocking the skill then turning into an elf. 

and when comparing two silent hunter elves one with skill unlock and one without the one with the skill unlock would somewhat be panelized for being a silent elf by not giving him the full benefit of the skill unlock.

The sound also deserves special mention for being so well done. Explosions, gunshots, and special effects, like the sound of shells hitting the water and sonar pings, provide everything you'd expect from a riveting war movie. The crew chimes in when contacts are spotted, damage is taken, or other vital information is available, and in a nice touch they all speak in whispers when the ship is rigged for silent running. The orchestral score that plays and changes dynamically during the action is done very well, but perhaps the best feature is the gramophone. By placing MP3 tracks in the game's gramophone directory, you can order your radio officer to play the music over the sub's PA system, and putting in tunes that were popular during the war really helps set the mood. Unfortunately, none are included with the game for licensing reasons. The mod community has also begun digging into the simulation's many configuration options, most of which are stored in simple text files that make them very easy to edit if you ever read about a change you'd like to make.

The structure and delicate softness of a Barn Owl's feathers allow it to approach its prey almost silently. Its skillful hunting is enhanced by exceptional sight and acute hearing. The owl's ability to locate prey by sound is the most precise of any animal yet tested. Barn Owls are found worldwide. Pairs raise young whenever sufficient food is available, mostly between February and July, sometimes having as many as three broods per year. Be sure to watch the video!

Today leopards have a fairly wide-range across the African and Asian continents. With ten sub-species, this magnificent cat is endangered through habitat destruction and human hunting. Each individual sub-species is just as beautiful as the next. The gloriously proud African leopard (Panthera pardus pardus) is more familiar to most of us. An expert stalker in the long dry grass of the scrub, this silent hunter has a fairly opportunistic appetite from rodents to birds, to bigger antelopes. The critically endangered Javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas) is found only on the island of Java. Some individuals of the Javan leopard have been seen with a pure black coat, similar to a jaguar.

I like to imagine this silent hunter, crouched, hiding unseen by other animals and humans. A time when forest tundra covered much of Europe instead of concrete cities. A time when this magnificent feline was at its height of sucess, and sprung into action bringing down its next meal.

The game is for two players. One acts as the hunter and the other the prey. The hunter tries to catch the prey as fast as possible while the prey tries to survive as long as she can. The players can see nothing but the frequency and volume of the sounds of heartbeats and breath could tell the players how close they are. Can be played as a party game for audience in Spectator Mod, in which the players are required to blind themselves from the screen while all the audience can watch. be457b7860

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