Check Out Policies

Check Out Policies

Students will not be able to checkout books if they have an overdue book. If the book is lost, he or she must pay for the book or do chores in the media center to pay for the book (special arrangements will be made accordingly). If a student has found a lost book and paid for the book, if the student brings the book back, they will be refunded their money.

Check Out Policies

Kindergarten: May check out 1 book at a time. After winter break, kindergarten may check out 2 books.

1st Graders: May check out 2 books at a time.

2nd Grade: May check out 2 books at a time.

3rd Grade: May check out 3 books at a time.

4th Grade: May check out 4 books at a time.

5th Grade: May check out 5 books at a time.