How to Use Neem Oil in the Garden

Neem oil comes from the seeds of neem trees. It is one of the most important things that neem has to offer, and it is used in organic farming and medicine. It keeps away many different bugs, such as mealy bugs, aphids, and thrips. Neem oil acts as an insect repellent and gets rid of bugs that are eating the plant.

Here are some ideas for how to use neem oil on indoor plants.

1. Spray for Leaves

Mix 10 ml of neem oil with 500 ml of water, and then spray the mixture on the leaves of the plant that has powdery mildew. Before using, give the bottle a good shake.

2. Keeps aphids away

Neem oil can be used to get rid of aphids on plants. Put one litre of water, one teaspoon of organic neem oil, and four teaspoons of liquid detergent into a spray bottle. Then, use the mixture to spray the parts of the plants that are hurt.

3. Get rid of whiteflies

Whiteflies can be kept in check with neem oil. To use neem oil, put half a tablespoon of it in a litre of water with one teaspoon of liquid soap. Mix everything together and spray it on plants that have bugs.

4. Stop the Thrips

You can also kill the annoying garden pests called thrips with the same solution.

5. Get rid of plant scale. Scale insects eat all kinds of plants, making them weaker and less attractive. Plant scale can be removed by mixing neem oil with soap solution and water.

6. Stay away from mealybugs

Neem oil kills mealybugs slowly, but it leaves a residue that keeps them from coming back.

7. Gets rid of mould

Mix one part neem oil with two parts liquid soap, then add one litre of water. This will get rid of fungus gnats. Put the ingredients in the pot. This will help keep fungus from growing in the soil.

8. Remove Spider mites

Neem tree is very good at keeping spider mites away, but it takes a while to work. Before you spray the solution on the leaves, clean them with a damp cloth to make it work better. Spray infested parts of the plant with a mixture of half a teaspoon of neem oil, one teaspoon of liquid detergent, and one litre of water.

9. Make the leaves of the plant shine

Indoor plants can be cleaned with the same mixture of neem oil, liquid soap, and water. It makes your plants look clean and shiny.

10. Mosquito Repellant

Mosquitoes prefer to hide amidst indoor plant leaves. Mosquitoes will stay away from plants that have been sprayed with neem oil.