Neelam Kandhil

Hello! I am a Post-Doctoral Fellow at The University of Hong Kong. My mentor is Prof. Ben Kane.  Prior to this, I held a post-doc position at Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, where I was mentored by Prof. Pieter Moree. I completed my Ph.D. in Mathematics at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Sanoli Gun in 2022. 

My research interests lie in Number theory, specifically focusing on topics such as the distribution of Euler-Kronecker constants, the irrationality of zeta values, p-adic analysis, and sieve methods. More precisely, I am interested in the linear independence, transcendence, and non-vanishing of special values of periodic $L$-functions and Dedekind zeta functions as well as their derivatives. Currently, I am studying the distribution of Euler-Kronecker constants of cyclotomic fields and exploring their interrelations with Kummer's conjecture on the relative class numbers of cyclotomic fields. I am also interested in modular forms and class field theory.