Yahoo Mail error code 1242: Simple steps for troubleshooting!

Some of the common yet problematic issues like Yahoo email error 2 need a proper and a permanent solution. You need to know appropriate steps to solve these issues. Yahoo Mail is a service provider, which is fast and systematic, and so is popular too. On the other hand issues like Yahoo error 1242 have come up; the users of Yahoo are facing this severe problem. Everyone who is a constant user of the Yahoo email must realize the importance of various articles that talks about the solutions of the errors like 1242. You can read this article to solve this issue; have a look!

What is Yahoo error 1242?

If we don’t know, the reason behind this problem we won’t be able to find out the solutions. Here, we would explain the reason and the various corrupted windows system files generally cause the solution of Yahoo error The second biggest reason could be incorrect windows configuration of windows system files. Your operating system might get damaged due to corrupt files.

Causes of Yahoo error 1242!

Ø Access of the malware and viruses

Ø The existence of corrupted windows system files

Ø Inappropriate installation

Ø Deletion of various file

Issues related to Yahoo error 1242!

Ø You might face issues regarding startup and in switching off your computer

Ø It can slow down the performance of your Operating System

Ø It can freeze your system for a shorter period

Ø Lock up any file on your computer

Ø Lock up any application on your computer

Ø Problems in installing any application

Ø Unsuccessful repairing which might lead you in the loss of computer data

Ø Significant incoming of error messages

Steps to fix Yahoo error 1241

Now, after reading the above information, we know about the various problems and the multiple reasons behind the issues. On the other hand, now we would discuss the various solutions to this issue. Here, follow the steps, have a look!

Ø At first, you are required to start your computer

Ø Next, you are required to log in on as on administrator

Ø You are required to click on the start button

Ø Now, when you are done with the previous step, now select all programs

Ø Now, you are supposed to click on restore your system

Ø Now, look for a new window, there select ‘restore my computer’

Ø You are supposed to click on the list

Ø Then, click a restore point list

Ø At last, you are required to click on next to confirm

Ø You are supposed to restart your computer

Ø These are the steps you must follow to fix yahoo error 1241.

This article deals with the various issues of yahoo like Yahoo error 2 and Yahoo error 1241. Now, in this article, the issue has been described and explained extensively. Hopefully, reading this article prove to be worth your time. it might solve all your queries and gives you a proper solution. If you still have any doubts, and eager to know something more about this, then you can definitely contact Yahoo Customer Service.