the nfs underground2 save folder on windows 7 & vista (C:\Users\your username\(befor this you will open the orgnize menu in the left then choose folder and search options then view and show hidden file then open AppData\Local\NFS Underground 2)

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in windows 7 simply go to C drive.Then go to user and select the user name.Then double click the address bar it should look like this

C:\Users\Username .then complete it C:\Users\usrname\appdata\local .

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The folders which contain the settings files for the game itself, which should have been created in the standard path C:\user\$username$\documents\Need for Speed\settings. The folder need for speed and settings had to be created by hand before the game would save any settings, the game did not create the folder by itself during installation and re-installation, and provided no feedback that this did not occur. One other note: This was a preorder through Origin directly, not from an outside source.

NTSC-USA: Almost 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all cars, all tracks, all parts and the underground mode is completed. All but 4 magazine covers have been obtained in the underground mode.

PAL: Region converted USA save, tested. Almost 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all cars, all tracks, all parts and the underground mode is completed. All but 4 magazine covers have been obtained in the underground mode.

President and Mrs. Bush Present Preserve America Presidential Awards

The Rose Garden Video (Real) 

 Presidential Remarks 



 Preserve America

10:22 A.M. EDTMRS. BUSH: Hello, everybody. Thank you all very much. Thank you forcoming, and congratulations to this year's Preserve America PresidentialAward winners.The projects we honor today protect America's gorgeouslandscapes, teach Americans about our march toward freedom, and displayliving snapshots of our colonial past.They remind us of how blessed weare to have rich and varied natural and cultural resources. We know ournational treasures are diverse when we can celebrate both the majesticmountains of Montana, and a life-sized gingerbread castle in New Jersey.Preserve America is now in its third year of supporting outstandingprojects that protect and promote our national treasures. Since 2003,we've honored historical organizations, history teachers, and entirecommunities -- 372 of them, in fact -- for their commitment topreservation.Last week, I toured The Mount in Lenox, Massachusetts.The Mount is theformer home of Edith Wharton, one of America's most famous writers, and oneof my favorites. The group that restored this beautiful estate, EdithWharton Restoration, won a Preserve America Presidential Award last year.Since September, President Bush and I have visited the Gulf Coast manytimes.The Gulf Coast is a region steeped in some of America's mostfascinating history and culture. As the Gulf Coast recovers from thehurricanes, we must help areas affected by the storms restore the treasuresof their past so that all Americans can enjoy this region's heritage formany years to come. So today, I'm delighted to announce that the AdvisoryCouncil on Historic Preservation will host a National Preserve AmericaSummit in New Orleans this fall. (Applause.)The summit will convene experts in historic preservation, conservationists,cultural scholars, archaeologists, and representatives from federalagencies and the private sector. These authorities will review ournational historic preservation programs and propose improvements to makethem more effective. The summit will also help make our national treasuresmore accessible to the American public, and will help communities use theircultural attractions to boost local economies.This is especiallyimportant along the Gulf Coast, where well-reserved and well-presentedhistory can help revive local business and speed economic recovery.Leading up to the summit, we'll have a series of 12 forums, hosted byfederal agencies and private sector partners, to address a variety ofpreservation topics. The National Trust for Historic Preservation, inpartnership with Tulane University, will kick off the first forum on May31st. The Tulane conference will focus on the rich culture of New Orleans,from its regal, colonial architecture to its artistic contributions as thebirthplace of jazz.A central element of the Preserve America Summit will be the restoration ofhistoric sites devastated by natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina. Experts will determine how we can best protect historical and culturaltreasures in disaster-prone regions, so that the next time a hurricanestrikes, we'll be better prepared.This year marks the 40th anniversary of the National Historic PreservationAct. Through this summit, we hope to take stock of the strides we've madeover the last four decades, and determine how best to protect our richnational heritage into the 21st century and for centuries after.Today we recognize organizations that are doing great preservation worknow. I'd like to introduce you to my husband, who will announce thisyear's Preserve America Award winners.Ladies and gentlemen, President George Bush. (Applause.)THE PRESIDENT:Thank you all.Thanks for the introduction. (Laughter.) Laura and I welcome you here to the White House. We are privileged to havesome our country's really great community leaders and preservationists herein the Rose Garden. This is a fitting place, we think, to honor those whowork hard to preserve our nation's history and protect the natural beautyof the country.This is a -- this Rose Garden is one of America's historic treasures. Ispend a lot of time mowing out here. (Laughter.) The commitment of thefolks here to preserve the unique treasures in your own communities meansthat you celebrate our nation's history and you help instill a love of ournation's natural beauty for future generations. And that's why we havesuch an event, to encourage people to preserve and instill -- preserve whatis important, and instill love for our -- for our natural treasures.I appreciate not only the First Lady of the United States being here, but Iappreciate the First Lady of Florida being here -- mi cunada. Thank you. (Applause.) Give Brother my best. (Laughter.) Tell him he's doing a finejob. (Laughter.)I want to thank Administrator Steve Johnson of EPA -- thank you for beinghere, Steve -- Lynn Scarlett, who's the Acting Secretary of the Departmentof Interior; Fran Mainella, who is the Director of the National ParkService; and Senator Craig Thomas of Wyoming -- thanks for coming,appreciate you being here, Senator. Thanks for taking time out of yourbusy schedule.I appreciate Bruce Cole, who's the Chairman of the National Endowment forthe Humanities, joining us. And it's good to see my old friend, John Nau,who's the Chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, andhe's the Chairman of the Texas Historical Commission -- and he's a finelad. (Laughter.) It's good to see Bobby, too. Thanks for coming. And weappreciate all the members of the Advisory Council on HistoricPreservation. Thank you for serving. Thank you for your dedication to ourcountry.Laura and I want every American to have a chance to learn about thiscountry's history, and one of the best ways to do so is to visit ourcountry's great historical landmarks. So, in 2003, we created -- actually,she created -- she told me to create, which I did -- (laughter) -- thePreserve America Presidential Awards, to recognize outstandingcontributions to America's cultural and natural heritage. By theirefforts, today's award winners have drawn tourists to historic sites andtowns, they've revitalized communities and our natural spaces, and they'veopened up new opportunities for learning.The first Preserve America award winner we honor this year is Mission SanLuis. It's a project that has reconstructed the former Western capital ofSpanish Florida in Tallahassee. The mission was burned to the ground over300 years ago.And the state of Florida, in partnership with local andprivate groups, successfully recreated nearly every detail of the mission. The reconstruction team used original mission documents to ensure thehighest level of historical accuracy. By their painstaking effort theyhave helped Mission San Luis rise from the ashes to an educational,cultural and historical resources reflecting Florida's beginnings.Congratulations, and welcome. (Applause.)Our second award recipient is the state of Maryland. Through a new programcalled Maryland Heritage Areas, the state is protecting areas of historicalsignificance and increasing heritage tourism and educational opportunities. State and community leaders are investing in projects to highlight specialparts of American history, including the location where Harriet Tubman'sUnderground Railroad helped slaves escape to the North, and Fort McHenry,the site that inspired Francis Scott Key to write America's NationalAnthem.And I appreciate the good folks of Maryland for highlighting the amazingsites you've got in your state. And welcome, thank you for coming. (Applause.)Our third award recipient is a company named Tauck World Discovery, whichis helping protect one of America's most precious natural resources. Since2003, this company has been running an innovative volunteer program inYellowstone National Park. Under this program, tourists who come toappreciate the scenic landscape can also help keep those vistas beautifulby contributing a good day's work. Pretty interesting concept, isn't it? Since the program began, guests have donated almost 10,000 hours of laboron projects throughout the park. By their good work, the good people atTauck are inspiring Americans to lend a hand in preservation, and makingsure that Yellowstone is a natural wonder for the years to come.And we welcome you both. Thank you for coming. (Applause.)Our fourth award recipient is Hampton Hotels. Probably surprises you,doesn't it? Under their "Save a Landmark" program, Hampton Hotels ishelping communities rehabilitate roadside attractions along America's greathighways. Their efforts have helped preserve landmarks along Route 66, torestore the Jesse Owens Park in Alabama, to refurbish one of the country'sclassic theme parks in New Jersey, and save the world's largest Santa Clausin Alaska. (Laughter.) Each of these landmarks represents a piece ofcultural and regional history.By saving them for future generations, theyare helping to celebrate the diversity of America -- and provideeducational opportunities for families as they travel across our greatland.Thank you very much, appreciate what you're doing. Congratulations. (Applause.)All of these award winners set such a wonderful example for our fellowcitizens. You've taken the lead in preservation, and we appreciate it. You're showing what is possible when local citizens decide to make adifference in the community in which they live. And your work ispreserving America for generations to come.And so Laura and I welcome you to the Rose Garden. We thank you for yourefforts. May God continue to bless our country. (Applause.) Thank youall. (Applause.)END 10:33 A.M. 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