Boris Nectoux

Welcome to my webpage ! 

Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested.  More about this project can be found here (see the section LMBP)

I am an organizer (with A. Guillin and H. Djellout) of the 

Saint-Flour Probability Summer School 

July 2024

One of the most prestigious summer schools in Probability and Statistics

Funded in 1971 by P.L. Hennequin (LMPB-UCA)

Organized each year by the LMBP (UCA-Université Clermont Auvergne, France)

Webpage (information and registration) 


Lecture series in Probability Theory on Jump Markov models and transition state theory: the quasi-stationary distribution approach. Organizer: Insuk Seo (Sponsors: Samsung Science & Technology Foundation). Speakers: T. Lelièvre, D. Le Peutrec, and B.N.

Contact information:

Laboratoire de Mathematiques

CNRS - UMR 6620 

Universite Blaise Pascal

avenue des landais

63177 Aubiere cedex
