
Two important goals of the consortium are broadening the use of IBL in the New England area and creating a regional community of IBL practitioners, and we will focus on these two goals in particular at this event.

This is a great opportunity for you to have a pivotal role in the future of NE-IBLM, and to contribute in a meaningful and significant way to its development. We will also use this conference as an opportunity to discuss the role of IBL in inclusive learning, an important connection that is ripe for further exploration and research.

The conference will actively involve and engage all participants throughout the following sessions (times are tentative):

9:30 - 9:55 AM: Registration, Coffee, Snacks (Nettie Stevens Science & Innovation Center Lobby)

10:00 - 11:30 AM: Inclusive Pedagogy and Learning with Inquiry (Stevens Science Center, SCI 304)

11:45 - 1:00: Inquiry in the mathematics classroom: Challenges and Successes in Adopting IBL (SCI 304)

1:00-1:50 PM: Shared Lunch, Dining Hall (included in Registration)

2:00-3:50 PM: How to Support Faculty in Deepening their Practice: Experiences, Models, Best Practices (SCI 304 and Wilson Hall breakout rooms), Coffee/Snacks

4:00-5:00 PM: Next Steps: Shared Visioning for NE-IBLM, Networking, Closing Events (SCI 304)

Conference Slides
