
Oral Presentation   口演発表

Your Talk Time

Young Investigator's Session (Day 1:  Session 1 and Session 2)  

20 minutes (10 minutes talk + 10 minutes Q&A)

*The time will be announced by the bell at the session.

Korea-Japan Joint Session  (Day 2:  Session 3 and Session 4)

For Invited speakers[from Korea]:  35 minutes (30 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q&A)

For Invited speakers[from Japan]: 25 minutes (20 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q&A)

Poster Presentation   ポスター発表

Poster Size

Please prepare your poster within 180cm (H) x 90cm (W) size. 

The size of the poster panel is 200cm (H) x 100 (W), your poster number (20cm x 20cm) will be affixed to the top of the panel by the secretariat.

ポスターサイズ:幅90cm以内 x 高さ180cm以内でご準備をお願いします。

 *ポスター会場では幅100cm, 高さ200cmのポスターパネルを用意し、パネル上部に演題番号

(20cm x 20cm)を討論会事務局で貼付します。