The Azure Cosmos DB emulator provides a local environment that emulates the Azure Cosmos DB service designed for development purposes. Using the emulator, you can develop and test your application locally, without creating an Azure subscription or incurring any service costs. When you're satisfied with how your application is working with the emulator, you can transition to using an Azure Cosmos DB account with minimal friction.

The emulator provides an environment on your developer workspace that isn't capable of emulating every aspect of the Azure Cosmos DB service. Here are a few key differences in functionality between the emulator and the equivalent cloud service.

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The Linux emulator currently has limited support for developer machines running on M1 and M2 chips. A temporary workaround is to install a Windows virtual machine and run the emulator on that platform.

The emulator's features may lag behind the pace of new features for the cloud service. There could potentially be new features and changes in the cloud service that have a small delay before they're available in the emulator.

Every request made against the emulator must be authenticated using a key over TLS/SSL. The emulator ships with a single account configured to use a well-known authentication key. By default, these credentials are the only credentials permitted for use with the emulator:

In some cases, you may wish to manually import the TLS/SS certificate from the emulator's running container into your host machine. This step avoids bad practices like disabling TLS/SSL validation in the SDK. For more information, see import certificate.

So I've recently upgraded to a new MacBook with Apple's new M1 SoC, which comes with Rosetta 2 technology to translate x64 apps on the fly for compatibility with ARM. However, as expected, MIT App Inventor's macOS emulator does not function (natively or through translation).

Was just wondering if a native version of the emulator for ARM was being worked on. I'm by no means versed in how to build a native version myself (although I imagine that is possible), but I need it to test student app submissions for the computer science classes I'm a TA for. Looking for either an ETA on a working version, the instructions I'd need to follow to build a native ARM emulator, or an existing ARM alternative.

Update: I've downloaded Google's Android Emulator preview for M1 Macs, which is compatible with ARM. I installed ADB tools and installed the APK version of the MIT App Inventor companion app, however it won't allow me to input a code from App Inventor (WiFi connection). It shows the "waiting for USB or emulator" screen, and never gives me the opportunity to enter a code or scan (not that I can scan, with it being an emulator). Any suggestions?

I should also note that we may not do an emulator for the M1 silicon. The reason being that once the iOS companion is approved you will be able to install it on M1 Macs via the App Store and have it run natively, instead of requiring an emulator.

PX-68K is a Sharp X68000 emulator. This is a Japanese home computer from the late '80s/early '90s that was used by Capcom as devkits for their arcade games. It played host to many popular games from the likes of Namco, Konami and Capcom.

I realize this is only tangentially on topic, so to make it on topic I want to showcase Dust, Dust is a DS emulator written in rust that is very performant and quite good. or rather it was. if you go to the link now where the repo was the account is now deleted, and development is halted, and while I do have a fork on my GitHub "quackdoc/dust" that as far as I can tell is only one or two commits behind. a license was never added to it.

this means even if I wanted to work on it (which to be clear, I don't but did have a friend interested), neither I nor my friend don't have the rights to distribute the work or anything like that as far as I can tell (not for a lack of looking either). this is a shame because dust was actually a pretty fast DS emulator running with 3gpu for 3d acceleration (including resolution scaling).

keep in mind that simply pushing code to a public repo does not make the code open source as per github's licensing fhelp page so for all intents and purposes, unless the author brings up their account again and ads a license, the Dust DS emulator is dead with no hope of revival. (at least one that abides by licensing)

Yesterday, I had a hot discussion with one of my friend (Windows user). He said Wine is just an emulator. I said no Wine is read as "Wine is not an emulator". Then he gave me many links including WineHQ's wiki page. "Wine's not that kind of emulator" is written there.

The Firebase Local Emulator Suite consists of individual serviceemulators built to accurately mimic the behavior of Firebase services. Thismeans you can connect your app directly to these emulators to performintegration testing or QA without touching production data.

For example, you could connect your app to the Cloud Firestore emulator tosafely read and write documents in testing. These writes may trigger functionsin the Cloud Functions emulator. However your app will still continue tocommunicate with production Firebase services when emulators are not availableor configured.

The Firebase Local Emulator Suite allows you to test your code with our coreproducts in an interoperable way. The Cloud Functions emulator supportsHTTP functions, callable functions, and background functionstriggered by Cloud Firestore, Realtime Database, Cloud Storage for Firebase, Authentication,and Pub/Sub. The Cloud Firestore, Realtime Database, andCloud Storage for Firebase emulators have Firebase Security Rules emulation built in.

I did everything exactly the way Ben did it in the video. When I run the project in the emulator, the app shows up, but when I click the button nothing happens. It should turn the text from the ants fact to the ostriches fact.

Ok, so I have a work around that does work. If I first run the emulator without the app and then run the app, the emulator shows up under 'connected devices'. I choose that one and then the app shows up in the already running emulator and the buttons work. Probably a bug from Android Studio.

Development versions are released every time a developer makes a change to Dolphin, several times every day! Using development versions enables you to use the latest and greatest improvements to the project. They are however less tested than beta versions of the emulator.

If you do not have an iOS or Android phone or tablet, you can still build apps with App Inventor. App Inventor provides a mobile phone emulator, which works just like an Android device but appears on your computer screen. So you can test your apps on an emulator and still distribute the app to others, even through the Google Play Store. Some schools and after-school programs develop primarily on emulators and provide a few iOS or Android phones for final testing.

To use the emulator, you will first need to install some software on your computer (this is not required for testing apps with a mobile device and Wi-Fi). Follow the instructions below for your operating system, then come back to this page to start the emulator

Important: If you are updating a previous installation of the App Inventor emulator/USB software, see How to update the App Inventor emulator software. You can check whether your computer is running the latest version of the software by visiting the test page for the emulator/USB software component, aiStarter.

Using the emulator or the USB cable requires the use of a program named aiStarter. This program is the helper that permits the browser to communicate with the emulator or USB cable. The aiStarter program was installed when you installed the App Inventor Setup package. You do not need aiStarter if you are using only the wireless companion.On a Mac, aiStarter will start automatically when you log in to your account and it will run invisibly in the background.On Windows, there will be shortcuts to aiStarter from your Desktop, from the Start menu, from All Programs and from Startup Folder. If you want to use the emulator with App Inventor, you will need to manually launch aiStarter on your computer when you log in. You can start aiStarter this by clicking the icon on your desktop or using the entry in your start menu.

The aiStarter Icon on WindowsTo launch aiStarter on Windows, double click on the icon (shown above). You'll know that you've successfully launched aiStarter when you see a window like the following:

The emulator will initially appear with an empty black screen (#1). Wait until the emulator is ready, with a colored screen background (#2). Even after the background appears, you should wait until the emulated phone has finished preparing its SD card: there will be a notice at the top of the phone screen while the card is being prepared. When connected, the emulator will launch and show the app you have open in App Inventor.

If this is the first time using the emulator after installing it, you will see a message asking you to update. Follow the directions below ("Troubleshooting") to perform the update and reconnect the emulator. You will need update whenever there is a new version of the App Inventor Companion.

Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, & BSD. Instead of simulating internal Windows logic like a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on-the-fly, eliminating the performance and memory penalties of other methods and allowing you to cleanly integrate Windows applications into your desktop. 2351a5e196

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