
All talks will be held in Alder Hall Auditorium, University of Washington

Monday June 20, 2022

9:10-10:00 am

Tensor Triangular Geometry in Representation Theory

Julia Pevtsova, University of Washington

10:00-10:30 am break

10:30-10:55 am

Belavin--Drinfeld Quantum Groups

Timothy Hodges, University of Cincinnati


Artin-Schelter Regular Algebras

Dan Rogalski, UC San Diego

Noon-2:00 pm lunch break

2:00-2:50 pm

The Invariant Theory of Artin-Schelter Regular Algebras

Ellen Kirkman, Wake Forest University

3:00-3:25 pm

Dual Reflection Groups

W. Frank Moore, Wake Forest University

3:35-4:00 pm

A Certain 4-dimensional Artin-Schelter Regular Algebra from Non-commutative Invariant Theory

Peter Goetz, Cal Poly Humboldt

4:00-5:40 pm

Poster Session

Tuesday June 21, 2022

9:00-9:25 am

Quantizing the Maximal Spectrum

Manuel Reyes, UC Irvine

9:35-9:45 am Lucas Buzaglo, Universal enveloping algebras of Krichever-Novikov algebras

9:45-9:55 am Kent Vashaw, Balmer spectra and Drinfeld centers

9:55-10:30 am break

10:30-10:40 am Zahra Nazemian, Noetherian rings with Auslander dualizing complex are bounded factorization

10:40-10:50 am Dillon Hanson, Invariant mixed forms of modular reflection groups


Drinfeld Hecke Algebras and Group-Twisted Alexander-Whitney and Eilenberg-Zilber Maps

Anne V. Shepler, University of North Texas

Noon-2:00 pm lunch break

2:00-2:50 pm

Support Varieties for Finite Tensor Categories

Sarah Witherspoon, Texas A&M University

3:00-3:10 pm Pablo Ocal, Towards a relative support theory

3:10-3:20 pm Colin Lawson, Deformation cohomology for cyclic group actions

3:20-3:35 pm break

3:35-3:45 pm Be'eri Greenfeld, Gaps and approximations in the space of growth functions

3:45-3:55 pm Hongdi Huang, Universal quantum semigroupoids

4:10-5:00 pm

Recent Results about the Dixmier-Moeglin Equivalence

Jason P. Bell, University of Waterloo

6:00-7:00 pm

Conference pre-dinner drinks and cocktails

(registration required using conference registration form – thank you!)

7:00-9:00 pm

Conference dinner

(registration required using conference registration form – thank you!)

Wednesday June 22, 2022

9:00-9:50 am

Invariant Holonomic Systems for Symmetric Spaces

J. Toby Stafford, University of Manchester

10:00 am

Conference photograph in Alder Auditorium

10:10-10:30 am break

10:30-10:55 am

Parabolic Adjoint Action, Weierstrass Sections and Components of the Nilfibre in Type A

Yasmine Fittouhi, University of Haifa


On the Geometry of Algebras Related to the Weyl Groupoid

Ian M. Musson, University of Wisonsin Milwaukee

Noon-2:00 pm lunch

No events are scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday June 23, 2022

9:00-9:50 am

Spectra of Quantum Algebras

Ken Goodearl, UC Santa Barbara

9:50-10:30 am break

10:30-10:55 am

Twists of Algebras and 2-cocycle Twists of Certain Hopf Algebras

Padmini Veerapen, Tennessee Technological University


Enveloping Algebras of Infinite-dimensional Lie Algebras: a survey

Sue Sierra, University of Edinburgh

Noon-2:00 pm lunch break

2:00-2:50 pm

Maps to Noncommutative Projective Spaces

Adam Nyman, Western Washington University

2:50-4:10 pm break

4:10-5:00 pm

Career Forum with panel moderator: Dan Rogalski

Friday June 24, 2022

9:00-9:50 am

Local Forms of Noncommutative Functions

Michael Wemyss, University of Glasgow

9:50-10:30 am break

10:30-10:55 am

Quivers and Superpotentials for Semisimple Hopf Actions

Simon Crawford, University of Manchester


On the Spectrum and Support Theory of a Finite Tensor Category

Milen Yakimov, Northeastern University

Noon-2:00 pm lunch break

2:00-2:25 pm

Twists of Graded Poisson Algebras and Applications

Xingting Wang, Howard University

2:40-3:30 pm

Curved Deformations and Higher Operations

Raf Bocklandt, University of Amsterdam

[1] Speakers should assume there is no whiteboard/chalkboard in the lecture room; i.e., talk should be prepared for use with an overhead projector and computer.