

Worked with TinyDBs and worked with Jack on fusion tables. I also did research on APIs.


We implemented the tinyDB and Fusion Table into the completed UI. The designers are almost finished with the UI as we are waiting for pictures from the science center. The developers, Jack and myself, are done with the code piece as of now. Our role helped as we did the entire back end piece of the app. We are almost done and only need a few finishing things.

PrototypeButterflyKids (1).aia

We worked mainly on app aesthetics. We did fonts for the title and the labels. We also make a theme and looked at icons.

Today we finished up the UI and the coding. The app is almost at the completed stage and there isn't much else the client wanted. We brought it in yesterday and got a lot of positive feedback from both the client and from people at the science center. The last thing we need to do is have a reliable way of getting data to the teachers.

The app is done besides the pictures so we're doing other projects. Yesterday we created one of 4 different apps and presented them to the group. I did the QR code scanner.