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Section 1: The executive authority for the administration of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the President in consultation with the Executive Board.
Section 1: The President is empowered to:
Preside over general meetings, emergency meetings, and Executive Board meetings.
Appoint committees.
Assign specific duties to the Executive officers.
Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Call for emergency meetings of the Executive Board
Vote only in case of a tie with the exception of an election.
Instruct the event chairmen on organization and procedure.
Oversee the general operation of NCWMEA.
Chair the NCWAA Music Committee, and act as a representative to NCWAA.
Authorize all expenditures.
Section 2: The President-Elect is empowered to:
Act as an advisor to the President.
Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Contact and hire solo-ensemble contest adjudicators.
Maintain an up-to-date list of adjudicators.
Preside at meetings when the President is absent.
Section 3: The Immediate Past-President is empowered to:
Act in an advisory capacity to the President.
Section 4: The Secretary is empowered to:
Keep a record of all meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Board, and any emergency meetings.
Handle correspondence for the President.
Read and distribute the minutes of the previous meeting at the following meeting.
Maintain a data base of music positions and addresses, and to provide mailing labels when necessary.
Section 5: The Treasurer is empowered to:
Be a custodian of all funds of the Association and keep an accurate record of such funds.
Section 1: The Contest and Honor Festival Chairmen shall be empowered to:
Report to the Executive Committee before the Fall general meeting to review procedures and make recommendations for improving contests.
Act as organizing chairman of the contest committee for said contests and impartially enforce contest rules.
Section 2: The General Music Committee Chairman shall be empowered to:
Form a committee composed of those teaching General Music at any and all levels.
Call organizational meetings as needed during the school year.
Plan and promote events beneficial to teachers and/or students in the NCWMEA region.
Report such events to the Executive Board for approval.
Section 3: The NCWAA Representative shall be empowered to:
Submit music event information (dates, sites, budgets, and chairmen) to the NCWAA.
Report all items of interest concerning NCWAA back to the Executive Board.
Section 4: The WIAA State Music Committee Representative shall be empowered to:
Represent NCWMEA and WIAA Dist. 6 at the annual meeting at WIAA headquarters in November.
Report all items of interest concerning WIAA back to the Executive Board.
Section 1: Vacancies in office may be filled temporarily by the Executive Board upon the recommendation of the President. In the event of the vacancy of the President in the first year of the term, the President-Elect shall ascend to the office of President and complete the term, after which a new election shall be held to fill the office of President for the second year. If the President vacates the office in the second year of the term, the President-Elect shall complete the term and then serve as President for the following two years.
Section 1:The By-Laws of the NCWMEA Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of those present at the General Meeting of the NCWMEA membership.