
2019-08-02 恭喜實驗室葉浩倫同學獲得AOGS海報競賽優等

2019-08-01 楊舒芝老師升等為教授!!!

2019-07-10 恭喜實驗室林冠任同學通過博士學位口試。

2019-03-10 恭喜實驗室張志謙同學獲得大氣學門海報競賽博士組第二名

2018-06 恭喜楊舒芝老師獲得羅家倫校長傑出年輕研究獎勵

2018-02 恭喜實驗室王簾傑博士生獲得全祿文教基金會研究論文佳作

2014-06-07 恭喜實驗室蔡直謙及張惠玲博士畢業!

2014-06-01 楊舒芝老師榮獲102學年中央年輕傑出研究獎勵

2014-05-24 楊舒芝老師榮獲102學年度傑出研究獎


2013-12-01 賀!博士生林冠任同學獲得國科會千里馬補助!

2013-06-30 實驗室張志謙同學榮獲第13屆大氣科學研究生學術研討會特優獎

2013-06-02 Prof. Shu-Chih Yang received her second award of outstanding research faculty in NCU.

2013-03-2 Prof. Shu-Chih Yang received 吳健雄學術基金會女科學家新秀獎

2013-02-24 Prof. Shu-Chih Yang presented her works about “Improving the spin-up of regional EnKF for typhoon assimilation and forecasting with Typhoon Sinlaku (2008)” in the AICS workshop on data assimilation.

2013-01-09 Prof. Shu-Chih Yang presented her works about “Improving the spin-up of regional EnKF for typhoon assimilation and forecasting with Typhoon Sinlaku (2008)” and “Evaluating the impact of the COSMIC-RO bending angle data on predicting the heavy precipitation episode on 16 June 2008 during SoWMEX-IOP8” in the AMS meeting.

2013-08-21 Prof. Shu-Chih Yang received 國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎

2012-08-20 Presentation by Shu-Chih Yang at University of Maryland, weather and chaos group meeting: Applying an outer-loop to the WRF-LETKF system for typhoon assimilation and prediction.

2012-07-23 實驗室張楚珺同學榮獲第12屆大氣科學研究生學術研討會特優獎

2012-07-23 實驗室林冠任同學榮獲第12屆大氣科學研究生學術研討會優等獎

2012-07-26 楊舒芝老師榮獲100學年度優良導師獎勵

2012-06-05 Kuan-Jen Lin won the first prize in the category of “masters in the Atmospheric Sciences” in 2012 APTS & IWTF Student Poster Contest.

2012-06-05 Kai-Hung Lin won the honorable award of the category of “masters in the Atmospheric Sciences” in 2012 APTS & IWTF Student Poster Contest.

2012-06-02 Prof. Shu-Chih Yang received her first award of outstanding research faculty in NCU.

2012-05-23 Presentation by Shu-Chih Yang in 5th EnKF workshop, Albany: Applying an outer-loop to the WRF-LETKF system for typhoon assimilation and prediction.