
We are looking for self-motivated master/ph. D students who are interested in energy efficient neuromorphic computing system.

Undergraduate research interns are also welcome.

Our research interests are mainly focused on energy efficient neuromorphic computing system to realize AI at edge. Students who are interested in HW/SW co-design research, which are required to achieve such high energy efficiency, please contact koo [at] with your resume and past research experience. We encourage candidates with a nanoelectronics and/or machine learning background.

Nanoelectronics and/or machine learning의 background를 갖고 있으며 뉴로모픽 컴퓨팅 시스템 (Research page를 참조) 에 관심있는 대학원/학부 학생을 모집합니다 (연구경험을 포함한 resume를 첨부하여 koo [at]로 지원).

Contact Info.

Office: Information Technology Building (#7) 521

Tel: +82 32 835 8499

koo [at]