Region 5
Durham, Franklin, Granville, Wake, Warren, Vance
To enroll all eligible retirees
To advocate for improvements in retirement and health care
To be a contributing force in the community through education and service programs
To develop capable leadership
To assure financial responsibility
To develop effective communications
Benefits of Membership
Publications: Panorama, NCAE News Bulletin, This Active Life, NEA Today and Email Alerts
FREE Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance (up to $7,500)
Lobbyists representing retiree needs
Annual Conference and Leadership Workshops
Local Unit and District Meetings
Member Access Discount Card-which gives discounts at over 150,000 locations and businesses
Free Hearing Screening
Region 5
Tama Bouncer
To be filled
Elvelon Mason
Beth C. Denton
NCRSP State Convention
March 20 and 21, 2024 were special days for members of Region 5, especially those who attended the statewide NCRSP convention in Cary, NC. Delegates from all over the state, including every local in Region 5, gathered to share information, learn new skills, consider motions and amendments to our organizations' constitution and to elect officers for the next 2 years.
Our newly elected state officers are:
President: Linda Gunter
Vice President: Lena Murrill-Chapman
Secretary: Julia Thorn
Treasurer: Gretchen Lampe
Several local units and individuals were recognized for their outstanding achievements on behalf of NCRSP. Our own Liz Conroy was given the honor of presenting the Betty Huffman award. Here are the awards that our region earned.
A Starlight Award recognizing endeavors, projects or programs went to our Durham local.
The Durham unit also received recognition for its outstanding newsletter, as it also received a Newsletter award.
Our Wake county unit was awarded the Membership Award for having recruited the most members in the past year.
2 individuals from our region also received special recognition: Linda Gunter (or the Community Service Award for having the most volunteer hours) and Tama Bouncer (for receiving the President's Award, recognizing her outstanding work as the president of a local unit.)
Congratulations to all for the hard work you have put in on behalf of the students, families and retirees of our state.
Important Forms for members
2024 Spring Conference
More than 25 members met online for our Region 5 Spring Conference on April 3, 2024.
There we heard from 7 candidates running for seats in the NC House or Senate in the upcoming General Election. Each one spoke to their passion for supporting education, students, teachers and retirees in our state. Here is who spoke at our conference:
Jessica Holmes running for State Auditor
Julie Von Haefen running for district 36 (House)
Evonne Hopkins running for district 35 (House)
Safiyah Jackson running for district 37 (House)
Wesley Harris running for State Treasurer
Lisa Grafstein running for district 13 (Senate)
Monika Johnson Hostler running for district 33 (House)
Executive Board meeting
The Region 5 Board of Directors met for their last meeting of this year on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at The Forks in Wake Forest.
Following a tasty lunch, the board got down to business, starting with a moment of silence to honor the life of our recently departed NCRSP past president Dr. Willie T. Ramey, III. This was followed by reports by the treasurer's report, and a report from each of the committee chairs. New business included discussions about grant and scholarship activities, the setting of next year's BOD meeting dates and the beginning of planning for the fall and spring regional conferences.
Region 5 BOD Meetings
August 7, 2024 via Zoom
January 14, 2025 via Zoom
June 10, 2025 3:30 at The Forks in Wake Forest
Region 5 Will Thrive!