Useful links and resources
Statutory changes and releases
Relevant guidance, publications and explainers for organisations and individuals involved
NHS England:
Publications - Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care
Publications - NHS Long Term Plan
Video - NHS Long Term PlanThe King's Fund:
Video - 'How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing'
Explainers - Jargon buster and publicationsUK Parliment:
Health and Care Act 2022 - Bill
Keep up-to-date with latest news, changes, opinions, events and consultations
Podcasts, bulletins, publications and blogs
NHS Confederation:
Explainer - Cost of living
Podcasts - Health on the LineNHS England:
Bulletin - In Touch BulletinThe King's Fund
Regular releases on various topics - BlogAssociation of Mental Health Providers
Regular releases - News and Views
Health and care system
NCL ICS and ICB website links
Population Health and Cost-of-Living
Explainers and resources to better understand both topics
Explainers and resources to better understand both topics
The King's Fund:
Video - What is Population Health?
Podcast - 'The cost-of-living crisis: is the nation’s health paying the price?'NHS Confederation:
Information - Cost-of-LivingNHS England:
Support - Cost-of-Living
Video - Population Health Management
NCL VCSE Alliance organisational representation
Website links
Website links