
Salve. Hola. Ciao. Bonjour. Nǐn hǎo. Konnichiwa. Zdravstvuyte. Guten Tag. Olá.

February 2, 2022 - 3:00 P.M. E.S.T. – February 4, 2022 - 7:00 P.M. E.S.T.

via Zoom


The National Committee for Latin and Greek has been providing a voice for Latin and Greek Studies within the JNCL and joins them annually in their advocacy to officials in Washington DC and in various state governments. This is vital work and NCLG represents all local, regional and national associations in its advocacy activities.

Thanks to everyone for participating. Winners were were chosen from a RANDOM DRAWING from each of the category posts on the PADLET.



  1. Profiles : Jennifer Howe (Michigan)

  2. Why I advocate: Edgar Serrano (Mississippi)

  3. Original slogan: Megan Whalon (Texas)

  4. Advocacy Journey: Pam Benton (Florida)

  5. Advocacy anecdote: Katherine Boehnke (Wyoming)

Thank you to the Joint National Committee for Languages for allowing us to be part of this event.

JNCL-NCLIS is celebrating its 41st Anniversary!

NCLG invites you to participate in our special "ADVOCACY MISSIONS" with the opportunity to win a $40 gift card prize. (FiVE $40 gift cards will be awarded - one for each category.)

1) A random drawing from all who sign into the Padlet and create a professional profile with name hashtag, description of whom you represent and one personal goal for LAD22.

2) Record a cameo explaining WHY you advocate for the value of language study or professional language services

3) Create and share an original slogan supporting the value of language skills, education, etc.

4) Share your advocacy journey (written or video), indicating total years in advocacy with elected legislative(policy-making) officials on local, state and/or national levels

5) Record a cameo recounting an anecdote about a time you had a unique or memorable moment while in an advocacy meeting.

Respond by clicking on the Padlet (embedded below) to enter your information. *

Click the plus sign and enter your name followed by your response.

(TEXT, IMAGES, LINKS, and VIDEO responses will be accepted. If you cannot record video in the PADLET app, make sure that you have "enabled" your camera and mic for the app. Another option would be to record outside the app and then upload your video.)

For questions or help please contact

* Here is the direct link to the Padlet: if you are not able to view the entire embedded Padlet. NOTE: Please remember to include your NAME at the beginning of the post to be considered to win an AMAZON gift Card.