
What Is Systematic Review?

The highest level of evidence for practicing Evidence-Based Medicine. Adhering rigorous protocols-framing question, searching literatures, screening for eligibility by two review authors, reaching consensus, and concluding research evidence & solutions. (Quantitative data can be further used for meta-analysis.)

Research Steps:

  1. Framing question and registering for research project

  2. Searching original literatures

  3. Screening for eligibility: Examine the correlation of title and summary first. Secondly, examine the correlation of whole articles (and clearly indicate the reasons why exclusive the research). The two steps have to review by at least two authors (e.g. lead author and another co-author), sorting out and collecting related researches with principles respectively, then integrating and reaching consensus

  4. Evaluating the risk of research bias (judging by at least two authors then reaching consensus)

  5. Concluding research evidence and suggestions (quantitative data can be further used for meta-analysis)