Group Members

Shin-Liang Chen   陳信良   (Principal Investigator)

Chan-Ching Lien   連展慶   (PhD student, co-supervised with Yeong-Cherng Liang at NCKU) 2023.09~Now (Previous Research assistant, 2022.06~2023.08)

Yu-Chuan Lin   林鈺涓   (Master student) 2022.08~Now

Muhammad Amru Al-Amin   何慕安*  (Master student) 2022.09~Now

Ching-Wei Wu   吳敬緯   (Master student) 2022.09~Now

Yen Hua Wang   王彥驊   (Master student) 2023.03~Now

Chien-Wei Lee   李建緯   (Master student) 2023.06~Now

Guan-Yu Ko  柯冠宇  (Master student) 2024.01~Now

Sheng-Hong Lin   林聖鴻   (Master student) 2024.04~Now

Bo-Chang Lu   呂柏昌   (Master student) 2024.06~Now

Po-Ting Hsu   許博婷   (Bachelor student) 2023.04~Now   (being a visiting student in Mariami Gachechiladze's group at Uni. Darmstadt in Germany from 2023.09 to 2024.02)

Jun-Bao Zhang   張君寶   (Bachelor student) 2023.04~Now

Kai-Chun Tsai   蔡鎧駿    (Bachelor student) 2023.06~Now

Hao-Cheng Chuang   莊皓丞    (Bachelor student) 2023.06~Now

Xin-Hong Wang   王信閎   (Bachelor student) 2024.05~Now

Miao-Tzu Lin   林妙慈   (Bachelor student) 2024.06~Now

*international students


Yu-Xiang Li   李宇翔   (Bachelor students) 2023.06~2024.06

Yi-Hsin Yeh   葉一心   (Bachelor students) 2022.09~2023.12

Giorgos Eftaxias   (Postdoc) 2023.09~2023.11

Teng-Hung Huang   黃騰宏   (Master student) 2022.10~2023.07 & (Research assistant) 2023.08~2023.09