Sample Class Plan & Schedule

This page is a sample class plan/schedule for National History Day that is based on students having 12 weeks leading up to the week that projects and registration are due. Please note that NHD can be done in a much shorter or longer timeframe by either combining or shortening timing on the steps below for a shorter plan, or adding time or breaking down steps more to lengthen the plan.

Depending on time available in class to devote to the week's theme, it can either be worked into the classes that week, be assigned out as homework, or a combination of the two. If working into class time, consider weaving that week's theme into your regular lessons. For instance, if teaching about the American Revolution during the week focused on conducting research, teach about primary and secondary in the context of the war.

Please check back in the coming weeks as each week below will soon be clickable with a subpage with resources for teaching that week's theme.

Week 1
Introduce History Day

Week 2
Explore the Annual Theme &

Week 3
Choose a Topic & Category

Weeks 4 - 6
Conduct Research & Historical Argument

Weeks 7 - 9
Create Projects

Week 11
Annotated Bibliography &
Process Paper

Week 12
Final Touches & Getting Contest Ready

Contest Registration &
Submitting Projects

Competition & Judging