Teacher Wish List

Often times parents will ask if there is anything we need in our classroom. The following is a 'wish list.' They are not things we NEED immediately, but they are things that would make our day go a bit smoother if we had them. The items listed below are things the students use in the classroom pretty much on a daily basis, but we are in need of more. Some items are general supplies that we just need extras of in the event a students forgets his or hers for the day. Others are items that will help make our classroom feel a bit more cozy! I will update this list as the year goes on.

Books for the classroom

(Lockwood and Company series)

Rebecca Caudill 2017 or 2018 titles

headphones (not the ear bud type)


scotch tape


lamps (old or new!)

masking tape

comfy chairs for our reading corner