Debate Schedule

Two people speaking with clipboard.

Debate Schedule

This is the schedule for debate workshops, activities, and practice rounds during the camp. All times are in Pacific Daylight Time and take place on Saturday September 11th.

1:15-2:00 PM

IPDA Demo (2 debaters) Draw at 12:45 PM

Debate Rounds

Postings will be sent via Forensics Tournament . Net


NPDA 1: Draw @ 2:20 PM, Debate 2:40-3:45 PM.

NPDA 2: Draw @ 4:00 PM, Debate 4:20-5:15 PM.


IPDA 1: Draw @ 2:30, Debate 3:00-3:30 PM.

IPDA 2: Draw @ 3:45, Debate 4:15-4:45 PM.