Submit Videos
Video Submissions
While not mandated, it is highly recommended that coaches review all videos that are uploaded to the tournament. Entries that are not registered, are missing a video release, or are misnamed will be disqualified from the tournament. Please read the video guidelines section of the invitation prior to submission.
Video Release Forms
Please note: for your event to be accepted, you must have digitally signed and returned the video release. Each student should have received this form at the close of registration. If you have not received the form, please contact the tournament director ASAP to have one re-sent.
Naming convention.
All uploaded files should adhere to the following naming convention: DIVISION_EVENT_COMPETITOR NAME_SCHOOL
Team Upload Folders
Uploads will be open from 10/11/2020@ 12:01am and will close at 10/13/2020 at 11:59pm. We are unable to accept late uploads. Please submit early so there is time to troubleshoot any technical difficulties.
If your team folder is not listed below, please contact the tournament director and we will set it up as soon as possible. Please note that newly registered schools may not appear here until the close of registration.