The Speakers


Elisa Ricci

Elisa Ricci is an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) at University of Trento and the Head of the Research Unit Deep Visual Learning at Fondazione Bruno Kessler. Elisa is also the Coordinator of Doctoral Program in Information Engineering and Computer Science at University of Trento. She is an ELLIS Fellow.

Her research lies at the intersection of computer vision, deep learning and robotics perception. She is interested in developing novel approaches for learning from visual and multi-modal data in an open world, with particular emphasis in methods for domain adaptation, continual and self-supervised learning.



Yannis Kalantidis 

Yannis got his PhD in 2014 and has been working at top-tier industrial research labs around the world since then. He has published a large number of scientific papers at top-tier venues. Currently, he is a senior research scientist at Naver Labs Europe researching self-supervised representation learning, generalization and transfer learning, adaptation of large models with limited data/resources, multi-modal learning, and some video understanding. Previously he was a research scientist at Facebook Research and Yahoo Research. He is also very passionate about urging my research community to tackle more socially impactful problems. I co-lead the Computer Vision for Global Challenges initative, and have organized the Computer Vision for Global Challenges workshop at CVPR 2019, the Computer Vision for Agriculture (CV4A) workshop at ICLR 2020 and the first ever African Computer Vision Summer School (ACVSS)



Lin Wang

Lin Wang is currently a full professor and head of the Computer Networks group at Paderborn University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015. Before joining Paderborn University, he was a tenured Assistant Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and held positions at TU Darmstadt, SnT Luxembourg, and IMDEA Networks Institute. His research focuses on networked systems at the edge and in the cloud, with the goal of achieving efficiency and sustainability. His work has received several awards, including a Google Research Scholar Award, an Outstanding Paper Award from RTSS 2022, Best Paper Awards from IPCCC 2023 and HotPNS 2016, and an Athene Young Investigator Award from TU Darmstadt.