【感謝黃山耘副教授的寶貴建議,為 EMI TA 培訓指引方向!】
在 2 月 27 日的 「EMI 教學助理培訓增能制度討論」 諮詢會議中,我們誠摯感謝國立臺灣大學跨領域雙語教育中心 黃山耘副教授撥冗與本中心交流,分享台大在 EMI 教學助理(TA)培訓方面的寶貴經驗,並提供許多具體可行的建議,使我們對強化 EMI TA 培訓制度與提升雙語教學品質有了更明確的方向!本次會議由 政大英語教學資源中心 鍾曉芳主任擔任主席,並邀請政大英國語文學系 張晨恩助理教授以及雙語及多元文化辦公室的同仁列席參與討論。
黃副教授憑藉對 EMI TA 培訓的豐富經驗,針對學生端與教師端的培訓需求與問題給予許多實際因應措施,並針對中心現有制度提出具體改善方向。他特別肯定本中心所建置的 「EMI TA 培訓影片微學程平台」,認為透過影片學習與觀後測驗,能有效提升培訓的靈活性與操作便利性。此外,他進一步分享了台大在EMI TA 培訓機制的推動經驗,並指出在籌辦類似培訓過程中值得注意的關鍵點,使本中心有了更開闊的視野。這次的交流收穫滿滿,也讓本中心更加確信 EMI TA 培訓制度仍有許多進步的空間。我們期待未來能與黃副教授及更多雙語教育專家持續合作,共同探索更完善的 EMI TA 培訓模式,攜手打造更優質的雙語教學環境!
In the "EMI Teaching Assistant Training Empowerment System Discussion" consultation meeting held on February 27, we sincerely thank Associate Professor Shan-Yun Huang from the Interdisciplinary Bilingual Education Center at National Taiwan University for taking the time to engage with our center and share the valuable experience of NTU in EMI Teaching Assistant (TA) training. He provided many practical and feasible suggestions, which have given us a clearer direction in strengthening the EMI TA training system and improving bilingual teaching quality!
The meeting was chaired by Professor Siaw-Fong Chung, Director of the EMI Resource Center at National Chengchi University, and was attended by Assistant Professor Chen-En Chang from the Department of English, as well as colleagues from the Office of Bilingual and Multicultural Affairs.
With his rich experience in EMI TA training, Associate Professor Huang provided many practical solutions to address both student and teacher training needs and issues, and offered specific directions for improving the center's current system. He particularly praised the "EMI TA Training Video Microlearning Platform" established by our center, believing that through video learning and post-viewing tests, the flexibility and convenience of the training can be effectively enhanced. In addition, he further shared NTU's experience in promoting EMI TA training mechanisms and pointed out key aspects to consider when organizing similar training programs, which broadened our perspective.
This exchange has been very fruitful and has made our center even more confident that there is still much room for improvement in the EMI TA training system. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with Associate Professor Huang and other bilingual education experts in the future to jointly explore more comprehensive EMI TA training models and work together to create a better bilingual teaching environment!
【英語教學資源中心接待國際學者Dr. Joshua K. Hartshorne】
🎉 英語教學資源中心近期國際學者來訪活動 🎉
英語教學資源中心非常榮幸於 2025年1月9日 (星期四) 上午10:00-12:00,迎接國際學者 Dr. Joshua K. Hartshorne 蒞臨指導與交流。
Dr. Hartshorne 現任美國 Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Group in MGH Institute of Health Professions 的研究副教授,是語言習得與人工智慧領域的頂尖學者。他擅長探討人類與機器在語言學習能力上的差異,以及兒童在語言學習中所展現的特殊優勢。他的研究結合計算建模與群眾外包等方法,對語言科學有著獨到見解,並長期關注雙語學習的關鍵與挑戰。
在此次來訪中,Dr. Hartshorne 與中心主任鍾曉芳教授針對 EMI(English as a Medium of Instruction)教學進行深入討論,並分享了他近年在語言習得與人工智慧交互研究的成果。他特別提到了機器學習對語言科學的影響,並與鍾主任探討了如何進一步提升雙語學習的成效。雙方在交流中彼此啟發,為未來的合作和發展提供了新思路。
作為國際知名的語言教育與科技應用專家,Dr. Hartshorne 曾在多個重要學術場合發表演講,包括美國心理學會與認知發展學會等。他的訪問不僅為我們的教師團隊帶來了新的靈感,也促使本中心對現有的雙語教育推行策略進行反思,並朝著更加卓越完善的方向努力。
📩 來賓訪客聯繫,歡迎來信:nccu.emi@gmail.com
🎉International Scholar Visit at the NCCU EMI Resource Center 🎉
The NCCU EMI Resource Center is honored to host Dr. Joshua K. Hartshorne for a special visit on Thursday, January 9, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Dr. Hartshorne is a Research Associate Professor in the Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Group at the MGH Institute of Health Professions in the United States. He is a scholar in the fields of language acquisition and artificial intelligence. His expertise lies in exploring the differences between human and machine language learning capabilities and the unique advantages children demonstrate in acquiring languages. By integrating computational modeling and crowdsourcing methodologies, Dr. Hartshorne offers insights into language science and has a longstanding focus on the challenges and opportunities of bilingual learning.
During the visit, Dr. Hartshorne discussed the EMI(English as a Medium of Instruction)education with Professor Siaw-Fong Chung, director of the EMI Resource Center. Dr. Hartshorne shared his recent findings on the intersection of language acquisition and artificial intelligence, highlighting the influence of machine learning on language science. Together with Professor Chung, he explored strategies for enhancing bilingual learning effectiveness, inspiring mutual ideas for future collaboration and development.
As an internationally renowned expert in language education and technological applications, Dr. Hartshorne has delivered several speeches at academic events, including the American Psychological Association and the Cognitive Development Society. His visit not only brought fresh inspiration to our teaching team but also prompted the Center to reflect on its current bilingual education strategies and strive for further excellent performance.
📩 For visit or cooperation, please feel free to contact us at: nccu.emi@gmail.com
【英語教學資源中心接待國際學者Dr. Libor Štěpánek 開啟學術活動策畫新思路】
Assistant Professor of English and Director of the Masaryk University Language Centre, Brno, Czech Republic
Dr. Libor Štěpánek also works as an EAP teacher, researcher and teacher trainer in EMI and Creative Approach to Language Teaching (CALT). Libor promotes global perspectives in English language teaching, close collaboration between teaching and research, and teacher autonomy.
12月13日,英語教學資源中心接待國際學者Dr. Libor Štěpánek,Dr. Štěpánek目前為捷克馬薩里克大學助理教授兼語言中心主任,同時也擔任學術英語(EAP)教師、研究者以及英語教學(EMI)和創意語言教學法(CALT)領域的教師培訓師。Dr. Štěpánek致力於推廣英語教學中的全球視野,倡導教學與研究的緊密結合,並提倡教師自主性。在由英語教學資源中心鍾曉芳主任所主持的訪談中,Dr. Štěpánek談及其推行多語教育及國際化校園的豐富經歷和所面臨的挑戰,也通過其分享了解到其針對生成式AI應用、學術活動策劃及EMI教學策略等方面的想法。
在多語教育及國際化校園推動上已有數十年的經驗的Dr. Libor Štěpánek指出多語教育推行的困難點在於對非語言科系而言,語言往往被視為次要的工具,而非主要的研究重點,因此重視各個科系師生不同的需求是成功推行多語教育的關鍵。Dr. Štěpánek也提到近期歐洲興起對多語技巧的重視,比起達到單一語言精熟,更重視將對一種語言的基礎了解套用到對另一語言的學習與運用上。而國際化校園方面則與大學端的語言政策有所相關,利用EMI課程及個人諮詢等策略,將初步目標放在讓大學成為一個雙語環境,以吸引更多國際學者及學生進入校園 。
當談及推行多語教育的挑戰時,Dr. Libor Štěpánek提及在英語為優勢語言的現況之下,學術上專有名詞的翻譯是為促進非英語國家學術討論的保障。另外,隨著人工智慧的發展,研究資料雖主要來源於網路,然而仍有許多研究並非以英文發表,故多語言的學習能夠避免進行研究時僅參考到片面的英文資料,對研究的完整性有所助益,因此提升校內管理階層以及學生對多語教育和學習的重視是為一大挑戰。Dr. Štěpánek也提到其所任職之捷克馬薩里克大學語言中心根據學生對課程的評價積極提供授課教授和學者們在語言及教學上的培訓與協助。
在此次訪談中Dr. Libor Štěpánek也就生成式AI應用的層面進行分享,提到在教學目標的設定上,教會學生如何透過AI延伸學習以及如何給予AI正確且有效的指令是為兩大重點。而在生成式AI的使用上,Dr. Štěpánek認為誠實是很重要的關鍵,必須以開放、透明的方式使用AI,且應該透過AI學習而非仰賴AI生成的內容。此外Dr. Štěpánek也建議個人尋找到最適合自身的幾項AI工具,避免反覆嘗試造成使用上的混淆。
訪談的最後Dr. Libor Štěpánek分享其作為語言中心主任對學術活動策畫及領導力培訓的心得,再次強調活動的策劃必須著眼於參與者的需要,並且必須保持彈性,隨時根據實行狀況進行調整。
Dr. Libor Štěpánek的來訪為政大的師生團隊帶來了許多嶄新想法與啟發,相信對未來學術活動策畫及教學品質提升將帶來極大的助益。期許未來有更多合作機會,促進想法的交換與激盪,也敬請期待此次訪談影片的發布 。
EMI Resource Center Welcomes Dr. Libor Štěpánek, Pioneering New Ideas for Academic Event Planning
On December 13, the EMI Resource Center had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Libor Štěpánek, Assistant Professor of English and Director of the Language Centre at Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Dr. Štěpánek also works as an EAP teacher, researcher, and teacher trainer in EMI and Creative Approach to Language Teaching (CALT). Dr. Štěpánek promotes global perspectives in English language teaching, close collaboration between teaching and research, and teacher autonomy. During the engaging interview conducted by the Director of the EMI Resource Center, Siaw-Fong Chung, Dr. Štěpánek shared his extensive experience and challenges in promoting multilingual education and internationalization. He also offered valuable insights on topics such as generative AI applications, academic event planning, and EMI teaching strategies.
Dr. Štěpánek has decades of experience in advancing multilingual education and fostering campus internationalization. He emphasized that a significant challenge in implementing multilingual education lies in its perception within non-language departments, where language is often regarded as the secondary tools rather than the main interests. He stressed the importance of addressing the diverse needs of faculty and students across departments to ensure the successful integration of multilingual education. He also highlighted a growing trend in Europe that prioritizes plurilingual skills over mastery of a single language. This approach leverages foundational knowledge of one language to facilitate the learning and application of another. As for internationalization, Dr. Štěpánek noted the critical role of university language policies, EMI courses, and personal consultations. These strategies aim to create at least a bilingual environment, positioning universities as more attractive destinations for international scholars and students .
When discussing challenges, Dr. Štěpánek highlighted the dominance of English as the global academic lingua franca and the need for accurate translation of academic terminology to ensure inclusive discussions in non-English-speaking countries. He pointed out that while much research data is sourced online, many studies are still published in local languages. Therefore, multilingual proficiency enriches research by providing access to non-English materials, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding. To address these challenges, Dr. Štěpánek advocates for fostering greater awareness among university management and students about the value of multilingual education. At Masaryk University, his team actively supports faculty and scholars with individual consultation and training in language and teaching methods based on student feedback.
Dr. Štěpánek also discussed the role of generative AI in education. He emphasized two key teaching objectives: equipping students with the skills to use AI for extended learning and guiding them to provide accurate and effective prompts to AI systems. He stressed the importance of integrity and transparency in AI usage, advocating for an open approach that leverages AI as a learning tool rather than relying solely on AI-generated content. Additionally, he encouraged individuals to identify one or two AI tools that suit their needs the best, avoiding confusion from the overwhelming possibilities.
In the final part of the interview, Dr. Štěpánek shared his experiences in academic event planning and leadership development as the director of a language center. He emphasized the importance of prioritizing the needs of participants and maintaining flexibility to adapt plans based on reality.
Dr. Libor Štěpánek’s visit provided the NCCU faculty and students with fresh perspectives and inspiration, offering significant value for future academic event planning and teaching quality enhancement. We look forward to more opportunities for collaboration, fostering the exchange of innovative ideas. Also, please stay tuned for the interview video.
【美國在台協會與政大英語教學資源中心合作 2025年美籍學者 進駐促進雙語教育計畫】
Associate Director of Academics at the English Language Institute at Pace University
Jeff Mcllvenna was an English Language Fellow in Paraguay from 2016 to 2018, and an English Language Specialist in Angola in 2018. He has 15 years of experience in the TESOL field, including teaching and teacher training in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, South America, and the U.S. Mcllvenna is currently the Associate Director of Academics at the English Language Institute at Pace University in New York, NY.
國立政治大學英語教學資源中心於11月13日接待來自美國在台協會(AIT)的兩位貴賓,English Language Coordinator, Public Diplomacy Section Jenning King和Regional English Language Officer Jeff Mcllvenna。其中Jeff Mcllvenna憑藉在中東、南美洲和撒哈拉以南非洲地區語言計畫中的豐富經驗,協助菲律賓、日本、韓國、臺灣及汶萊的英語語言計畫。他專精於混合學習、多模態寫作及數據分析應用於教育等領域,這些專業背景使他能夠在多元文化背景下推動英語語言教育。
此次Jenning King與Jeff Mcllvenna的來訪,主要是為了商討美籍「英語語言學者」(以下簡稱「學者」)的派駐計畫。該計畫由美國國務院主導,旨在派遣高素質的美國TESOL專業人員到海外機構進行為期10個月的教學與研究工作。學者將協助當地教師與學生提升英語教學品質、開發課程,並帶領教師培訓與對外推廣活動。AIT不僅支持該計畫在臺灣的推行與發展,也致力於推動美臺教育合作,以加強臺灣的英語教育與跨文化交流。
本中心做為該計畫的次要主持單位(secondary host),預計於114學年的第一學期接待一位學者。該學者將在推動雙語教育及EMI授課等領域提供專業協助,配合臺灣的教育政策,共同改善雙語學習環境。學者每月定期訪問政大,每次停留八小時,透過講座、工作坊及個別諮詢等方式為教職員提供全方位的英語教學指導,並針對EMI教學實踐給予反饋。此外,學者將評估校內英語教學情況,提供以學生為中心的教學培訓,協助教師發展強有力的雙語課程。
AIT與英語教學資源中心在過去數月攜手推動EMI教師培訓計劃,於113年8月至9月間舉辦了為期八週的線上課程「Fundamentals of EMI Pedagogy and Teaching Techniques」。該課程由美國德州賽普勒斯 Lone Star College-CyFair 的「以英語為其他語言的學習者」(ESOL)計畫教授暨創始教員何瓊瑤擔任主講者。此活動獲得高度好評,與會人員普遍認為課程對英語教學法的提升有深遠影響。這項培訓課程提供了課程設計、教師專業發展以及學生互動策略等實用資源,對於希望提升英語教學水準的臺灣大學教授有很大的幫助。在這八週的學習中,學員掌握了如何設定清晰的學習成果、設計評量方式、運用互動式教學方法以及增進教學技巧。最後,通過微教學活動,學員們得以將所學的EMI教學策略應用於實際教學,並從同儕與專家處獲得反饋以進行改進。
Jenning King與Jeff Mcllvenna此次的訪問將有效回應政大推動EMI的需求及期待,並且學者預計將於2025年8月底至9月初之間抵達,得以進一步加強政大與AIT之間的合作,推動雙語學術環境的發展。學者即將到來的角色,將不僅有助於精煉EMI教學法及教師發展,還將深化跨文化交流並提升校園英語語言能力。透過學者在課程發展、教學實踐及教育技術領域的專業知識,政大期望達成學術卓越及國際化的長期目標,並鞏固其在臺灣高等教育體系中的領導地位。
有關與AIT共同舉辦的「Fundamentals of EMI Pedagogy and Teaching Techniques」,請參閱此處的結業影片及此處 關於課程的詳細資訊。
AIT Partners with NCCU EMI Resource Center to Collaborate 2025 English Language Fellow Program for Bilingual Education Training
On November 13, 2024 (Wednesday), the EMI Resource Center at National Chengchi University is pleased to welcome two distinguished guests from the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT): Ms. Jenning King, English Language Coordinator, Public Diplomacy Section, and Mr. Jeff McIlvenna, Regional English Language Officer. Mr. McIlvenna, who supports English language programs across the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Brunei, brings extensive experience from managing English Language Programs in regions such as the Middle East, South America, and Sub-Saharan Africa. His expertise in blended learning, multimodal writing, and the integration of data analysis into educational projects adds significant value to enhancing English language education in diverse cultural contexts.
The visit by Ms. King and Mr. McIlvenna was to facilitate the service of the English Language Fellow (‘the Fellow’ thereafter) in the EMI Resource Center as the secondary host under the English Language Fellow Program supported by AIT in the Autumn semester in 2025. The Program, managed by the U.S. Department of State, places highly qualified American TESOL professionals in overseas institutions for 10-month fellowships. Fellows work with local teachers and students, improving English teaching, developing curriculum, and leading teacher training and outreach initiatives. AIT supports this program in Taiwan, along with the broader goals of the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative, to enhance English language education and intercultural exchange in Taiwan.
The EMI Resource Center is privileged to have a Fellow in 2025. In this capacity, the Fellow will significantly contribute to the advancement of bilingual education and EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) initiatives, aligning with Taiwan’s educational policy to foster a bilingual learning environment. Making regular visits to the university, the Fellow is hoped to be on campus once or twice per month for 8 hours each time, providing extensive support through lectures, workshops, and individual consultations. These sessions are designed to enhance the pedagogical skills of the teaching staff, offering direct feedback on EMI practices and guiding interactive workshops. Through evaluating teaching performances and conducting training focused on effective student-centered instruction, the Fellow will share best practices drawn from their experience in the U.S. education system, supporting faculties in developing robust bilingual curricula.
In addition to teaching support, the Fellow will offer writing consultation services, helping students strengthen their English skills for academic and professional success. The Fellow will also lead lectures and workshops on diverse topics such as EMI teaching techniques, AI-assisted learning, and English writing and speaking skills, benefiting both faculty and students. Moreover, the Fellow’s individualized consulting services will address unique challenges faced by different departments, thereby raising the overall instructional quality and internationalization of NCCU’s campus.
To broaden the impact of the Fellow’s expertise, the EMI Resource Center will also produce a video interview highlighting their insights on EMI teaching methodologies, course design, and the current trends in the U.S. educational system. This interview will be shared on social media to foster resource sharing across the university community. Upon concluding their term, the Fellow will provide NCCU with a detailed evaluation of the EMI program, offering recommendations on faculty training, resource allocation, and student learning outcomes. This feedback will not only optimize NCCU’s EMI Resource Center operations but may also strengthen NCCU’s positioning as a primary host for future Fellow engagements.
The AIT and the EMI Resource Center have already been in collaboration on the coordination of EMI in NCCU over the past few months. In August and September 2024, an 8-week online program “Fundamentals of EMI Pedagogy and Teaching Techniques program at NCCU’s EMI Resource Center” was jointly organized, led by Dr. Carolyn Chiung-Yao Ho, Professor and Founding Faculty member of the ESOL program at Lone Star College-CyFair in Cypress, Texas, and was highly popular among participants who praised it for its impact on English teaching methodologies. This program provided practical training and resources in areas like curriculum development, teacher training, and student engagement, greatly benefiting professors who sought to enhance their English language instruction in Taiwanese universities. Throughout these eight weeks, participants gained practical skills in EMI, including setting clear learning outcomes, creating assessments, using interactive teaching methods, and enhancing instructional skills. They practiced adapting materials, employing questioning techniques, and culminating in microteaching sessions where they applied and refined their EMI teaching strategies with peer and expert feedback.
The visit of Ms. King and Mr. McIlvenna is expected to match the expectation and needs for effective implementation of EMI at NCCU, with the arrival of the Fellow between late August and early September next year. This visit marks an important step in strengthening the collaboration between NCCU and AIT, further enhancing the university’s efforts to foster a bilingual academic environment. The Fellow’s upcoming role will not only contribute to refining EMI teaching methodologies and faculty development but will also deepen intercultural exchange and improve English language proficiency across the campus. Through the Fellow’s expertise in curriculum development, teaching practices, and educational technology, NCCU aims to achieve long-term goals of academic excellence and internationalization, reinforcing its position as a leading institution in Taiwan’s higher education system.
(For “Fundamentals of EMI Pedagogy and Teaching Techniques” program at NCCU’s EMI Resource Center jointly conducted with AIT, see here for the closing video and here for the program details.)
與英國牛津大學學者Caroline Rice與Andrew Hemingway洽談2025年暑期三週課程
11月7日,中心有幸接待了來自牛津大學赫特福德學院(Hertford College, University of Oxford)的Caroline Rice與Andrew Hemingway,兩位訪賓作為國際項目聯合主任,分別負責大中華地區及日本的合作事務。這次來政大主要是與國際合作事務處及學生說明2025年暑期三週課程的學術內容、時間及費用細節。與中心的討論著重於2025年暑假參訪的可能性及透過兩位與 Oxford EMI 接洽的的合作方案,目前還在洽談中。