Overview of a Cause and Effect Essay 

【Writing Series📝】

[Overview of a Cause and Effect Essay]


Cause and effect essays explain the reasoning behind specific phenomena (causes) and the subsequent outcomes of actions or events (effects). Such essays serve the purposes of providing information or convincing the reader.


When drafting a cause and effect essay, it is crucial to carefully select a subject that demonstrates a clear cause-effect relationship. This means opting for a topic and subsequently describing either its causes or effects. Below are some appropriate headings for cause-effect essays.

A) The Negative Effects of Internet Use

B) How do cell phones affect human relationships?

C) How does obesity in children affect their health and well-being?


The following points show possible cause and effect relationships. They can be separated into three categories.


·      Cause: Sea levels are higher. — Effect: There is a heightened occurrence of flooding in coastal cities.


·      Cause: Driving conditions were poor around this area. — Effect: An accident involving more than 20 cars ensued.


·      Cause: The longevity of individuals is on the rise. — Effect: A greater demand for healthcare services for the elderly has arisen.




Several causes:

·      Martin is diligent in his note-taking during lectures.

·      He diligently reviews his notes daily.

·      He actively engages in classroom discussions.


One effect:

·      Martin receives high scores on his exams.




One cause:

·      People trust in a country’s currency. 


Several effects: 

·      The value of the currency decreases.

·      Prices on most goods increase.

·      Exchange rates for the currency fall.


Read these titles. Which three are the most appropriate for a cause and effect essay? Why?

1.     The causes of war

2.     Some common reasons for quitting a job

3.     The Beatles: The greatest band ever?

4.     Types of restaurant jobs

5.     The impact of high gasoline prices

6.     Summer vacations vs. winter vacations.


💭 Scroll down for my thoughts 💭





I would say the three most appropriate titles for a cause and effect essay are:


1.     The causes of war

2.     Some common reasons for quitting a job

3.     The impact of high gasoline prices


These titles are suitable for a cause and effect essay because they directly address topics where there are clear causes leading to specific effects or outcomes.


"The causes of war" explores the various factors that contribute to conflicts, examining how these causes lead to the outbreak of wars and their consequences.


"Some common reasons for quitting a job" may highlight the reasons employees decide to leave their jobs, investigating how these reasons may impact both the individuals and the organizations they work for.


"The impact of high gasoline prices" focuses on the effects of increased gasoline prices, analyzing how they might affect consumers, businesses, and the economy as a whole.

Thanks for tuning in! Hopefully, this post aided you in a better understanding of what a cause and effect essay is.

Your favorite EMI friend, JJ

—signing off—