Elements of a comparison essay

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[Elements of a comparison essay]


Comparison essays are definitely one of the most commonly seen genres in academic writing if you are taking an English writing-related course. A comparison essay is a type of academic writing that examines the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. The main purpose of these essays is to help readers grasp the distinctions and connections between the topics being studied. For instance, you can compare concepts, individuals, and different historical periods - any two items that share some kind of relation. You can choose to highlight the similarities, the differences, or both the similarities and differences. The aim is to demonstrate in a meaningful manner how these items are alike or different, their strengths and weaknesses, or their advantages and disadvantages. For instance, in a history course, you may compare the heroes of the French Revolution and the American Revolution. In an economics class, you might discuss the variances between supply-side and demand-side economics. In a computer science class, you could write about the distinctions between cloud hosting and traditional data hosting. Similar to other essays, a comparison essay consists of an introduction with a hook and a thesis statement, several body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.


📌Patterns of Organization:

There are two basic ways to organize a comparison essay—the block method and the point-by-point method. 


Present one subject and all its points of comparison. Then do the same for the second subject. Discuss each subject completely without interruption

·      Paragraph 1: Introduction 

o   Thesis: There are two solid options for data storage, each with pros and cons.

·      Paragraph 2: Cloud data storage 

o   cost ease of use, reliability

·      Paragraph 3: Traditional data storage 

o   cost ease of use, reliability

·      Paragraph 4: Conclusion


Include both subjects in one point of comparison before moving on to the next point of comparison. 

·      Paragraph 1: Introduction 

o   Thesis: There are two solid options for data storage, each with pros and cons.

·      Paragraph 2: Cost 

o   cloud data storage 

o   traditional data storage

·      Paragraph 3: Ease of use

o   cloud data storage 

o   traditional data storage

·      Paragraph 4: Reliability 

o   cloud data storage 

o   traditional data storage

·      Paragraph 5: Conclusion


No matter which approach to organization you select, the details in a comparison essay should follow a consistent sequence. Within the block-method illustration, it is evident in Paragraph 2 that all key points regarding cloud data storage (such as cost, ease of use, and reliability) are laid out. Similarly, Paragraph 3 includes supporting details in the same order, focusing on traditional data storage.

In the point-by-point method, the developmental points also cover cost, ease of use, and reliability. Each paragraph addresses aspects of both storage systems.


Practice Analyzing a Comparison Essay:

This essay compares some features of Brazil and the United States. Read the following comparison essay and answer the questions that follow.


All countries are unique. Obviously, countries are different from one another in location, size, language, government, climate, and lifestyle. Some countries, however, share some surprising similarities. In this case, Brazil and the United States come to mind. Some may think that these two nations have very little in common because they are in different hemispheres. On the contrary, the two countries share many similarities.


One major likeness between Brazil and the United States is their considerable size. Both countries are exceptionally vast. Brazil occupies almost half of the South American landmass, spanning nearly 3.3 million square miles (8.5 million square kilometers) and boasting cosmopolitan hubs like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Given its expanse, only a few Brazilians can claim to have extensively explored their own country. Similarly, the United States covers a significant portion of North America, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean with a land area of 3.1 million square miles (8 million square kilometers), excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and other territories. It is home to renowned cities like Los Angeles and New York. Consequently, it is safe to say that many Americans have not traveled a large part of their nation.


Another commonality between Brazil and the United States is the diversity within their populations. Brazil was colonized by Europeans, significantly shaping its culture. Nonetheless, the Brazilian identity has been influenced by a multitude of cultures. The country serves as a “melting pot” for various ethnic groups that migrated there and interacted with the indigenous communities. Similarly, the United States exhibits a diverse mix of ethnicities, ranging from Native Americans and early settlers from northern Europe to enslaved African groups. Subsequent waves of immigrants from the Mediterranean, Asia, and South America have further enriched the nation's diversity. The blend of cultures and traditions has contributed to the ethnically vibrant societies in both countries.


Lastly, both nations uphold a crucial value: individualism. Brazil staunchly defends the principle of freedom of choice. Citizens firmly believe in their right to pursue their desires and aspirations as long as they do not infringe upon others. This mindset was instilled in the 1930s and 1940s by Brazilian President Getúlio Vargas, who established an individualistic government that propelled the country towards modernization and industrialization. Individualism also lies at the heart of American culture, tracing back to the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, which emphasize the numerous rights of individuals. While some may view the pursuit of individual expression as disruptive and potentially weakening a nation, the freedom for individuals to chart their own paths is an asset shared by both countries.


Although Brazil and the United States have many differences, they also have remarkable similarities in their size, ethnic diversity, and core values. Some people believe that their culture and country are without equal. However, as with these two countries, a closer inspection shows that cultures everywhere have more in common than not.


1.     What is the main purpose of this essay?

2.     Which three things (points of development) about Brazil and the United States does this essay compare? 

3.     What method of organization does the writer use point-by-point or block?

4.     What is the hook for this essay? Write it here. 

5.     Where is the thesis statement? Is the thesis restated in the conclusion? 

6.     In Paragraph 2, the author describes the size of Brazil and the United States. List the supporting information the writer uses. 7

7.     Reread the concluding paragraph. Does the writer offer a suggestion, an opinion, a question, or a prediction?


Scroll down for the answers…




1. The main purpose of this essay is to compare and highlight the similarities between Brazil and the United States, demonstrating that despite their geographical differences, the two countries share significant commonalities in size, ethnic diversity, and core values.

2. The essay compares the following three points about Brazil and the United States:


·      Their massive size

·      The diversity of their populations

·      Their core value of individualism


3. The writer uses the point-by-point method of organization. Each paragraph addresses a specific point of comparison (size, diversity, individualism) and discusses both countries in relation to that point.


4. The hook for this essay is: "All countries are unique."


5. The thesis statement is: "On the contrary, the two countries share many similarities." It is restated in the conclusion with a slight variation: "Although Brazil and the United States have many differences, they also have remarkable similarities in their size, ethnic diversity, and core values."

6. The supporting information the writer uses in Paragraph 2 includes:


·      Brazil covers almost half of the South American continent with a land mass of nearly 3.3 million square miles (8.5 million square kilometers).

·      Brazil is home to cosmopolitan centers such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

·      Few Brazilians have traveled extensively within the country's borders due to its size.

·      The United States extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean with a land mass of 3.1 million square miles (8 million square kilometers), not including Alaska, Hawaii, and other territories.

·      The United States is home to world-famous cities such as Los Angeles and New York.

·      Many people in the United States have not visited much of their country due to its size.

7. In the concluding paragraph, the writer offers an opinion: "Some people believe that their culture and country are without equal. However, as with these two countries, a closer inspection shows that cultures everywhere have more in common than not."


In conclusion, comparison essays serve as valuable tools for analyzing and understanding the relationships between different subjects. By highlighting both similarities and differences, these essays encourage readers to look beyond superficial distinctions and appreciate the deeper connections that unite seemingly contrasting topics.



Semalty, A. (2021). Academic Writing. BS Publications / BSP Books Pvt. Ltd.

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