Concluding Sentence

Now that we have covered what topic sentences and supporting sentences are in academic writing, it's time to make a final step — devising an effective concluding sentence. 


First, a concluding sentence concludes, or ends, a paragraph. A concluding sentence has three main features:

1)    It is usually the last sentence of a paragraph.

2)    It serves to signal the reader that the paragraph has reached its ending.

3)    It brings the paragraph to a logical conclusion. 


It can bring the paragraph to a logical end by:

1)    It restates the main idea — It summarizes the main idea or points in the paragraph. Often it says the same thing as the topic sentence, but in different words.

2)    It offers a suggestion — It tells readers something they should think or do. 

3)    It gives an opinion — It tells readers the writer’s thoughts or beliefs about the topic.

4)    It makes a prediction — It tells readers potential future developments.


Here is a list of transitional words and phrases that are commonly used at the beginning of concluding sentences. Note that each is followed by a comma.


·      As a result

·      Because of this

·      Certainly

·      Clearly

·      For these reasons

·      In conclusion 

·      In the end

·      Overall

·      Therefore



Adjusting to college life can be both exciting and challenging, requiring students to navigate new experiences and responsibilities. One key aspect of adapting to college is managing time effectively. With a more flexible schedule and increased workload, students must prioritize tasks and develop strong time management skills to succeed academically. Additionally, building a support network is crucial for emotional and social adjustment. Making friends, connecting with professors, and seeking campus resources can provide invaluable support and guidance throughout the college journey. Furthermore, embracing independence and taking ownership of one's education fosters personal growth and development. This includes advocating for oneself, exploring interests through extracurricular activities, and making decisions that align with long-term goals. In conclusion, adjusting to college life involves mastering time management, building a support network, and embracing independence, all of which contribute to a fulfilling and successful college experience.


Concluding sentence purpose: 

Here, we see the concluding sentence restating the main idea.