Argument Essay

【Writing Series 📝】

💡What is an Argument Essay?

When writing an argument essay, also known as a persuasive essay, the writer aims to persuade the audience to agree with their ideas on a debatable topic. For instance, in a sociology class, you could write an essay discussing how female military personnel can be equally effective in combat missions as their male counterparts. Similarly, in a history class, your essay could aim to sway readers into believing that World War I might have been preventable with certain actions. In an argument essay, the writer presents a claim or belief, provides supporting reasons, and endeavors to show the reader that they are on the right track.


🧐Arguing pro or con? 

It's really important to select a suitable topic for an argument essay, as some topics are simply not up for debate. For example, arguing that Mexican food is superior to Indian cuisine is subjective and cannot be backed by evidence. However, you could make a case for Mexican food being more popular than Indian cuisine in the United States by presenting facts about the prevalence of Mexican restaurants. Similarly, disputing the fact that jazz music originated from African Americans is not a valid argument since it's a historical truth. As a result, using this as a thesis statement for an argument essay wouldn't be appropriate.


📚Convincing the reader 

As the writer of an argument essay, your task is to warmly persuade your readers that your presented idea (thesis statement) is the most reasonable perspective. To achieve this, your essay should rely on logic rather than emotions, and it should acknowledge and address the opposing viewpoint or counterargument. Even if you are advocating for one side of the issue, you should still consider the arguments that someone on the opposing side might make. Once you present the opposing viewpoint, it's essential to respectfully refute it by demonstrating why it's incorrect or misguided.


Let’s read this argument essay about whether uniforms should still be adopted in schools. Then, try to answer the questions that follow! ⬇️


Initially, requiring school uniforms could simplify students' daily routines. It would eliminate the morning dilemma of selecting an outfit, saving them the trouble of trying on multiple clothes. The time saved from not having to search for the "perfect" outfit in the early hours of the day would be quite significant. Instead of staring at a closet full of clothes, students could use the extra time to enjoy a hearty breakfast or revise their class notes. Wearing uniforms, as opposed to casual clothes, would not only save time but also remove the stress often associated with this task. School uniforms are the better choice for three reasons.


First, requiring school uniforms could simplify students' daily routines. It would eliminate the morning dilemma of selecting an outfit, saving them the trouble of trying on multiple clothes. The time saved from not having to search for the "perfect" outfit in the early hours of the day would be quite significant. Instead of staring at a closet full of clothes, students could use the extra time to enjoy a hearty breakfast or revise their class notes. Wearing uniforms, as opposed to casual clothes, would not only save time but also remove the stress often associated with this task.


Moreover, school uniforms promote a sense of responsibility among students both in group settings and as individuals. Uniforms convey the message that school is a unique environment for learning. Additionally, they foster a sense of unity among students. For instance, when students engage in group activities like attending assemblies or having lunch together, wearing the same uniform creates a feeling of togetherness. This unity may also reduce the occurrence of negative incidents within schools. Surveys indicate that students in schools with mandatory uniforms feel safer compared to those without.


Lastly, implementing school uniforms would foster equality among all students. There is a significant disparity in living standards among families, with some being more affluent than others. It is important to remember that school is primarily a place for education, not a runway for showcasing fashion. Enforcing a uniform dress code would ensure that all students appear the same regardless of their financial backgrounds. This would instill a sense of pride and enhance the self-esteem of students who cannot afford expensive clothing.


Critics of compulsory uniforms argue that they stifle students' ability to express their individuality. While this argument may seem valid on the surface, it is crucial to remember that the primary focus of school is learning, not flaunting wealth or trends. Society must weigh the value of individual expression through clothing against the importance of directing students' attention towards their academic pursuits. It is essential to note that school uniforms are only worn during school hours, allowing students to express their uniqueness through fashion outside the classroom. They can also showcase their individuality through extracurricular activities and clubs within the school premises.


In conclusion, there are many well-documented benefits of implementing mandatory school uniforms for students, among them making students' lives simpler, encouraging them to act more responsibly, and making them all feel equal. Public schools should require uniforms in order to benefit both the students and society as a whole.


💭Now, here are some questions for you to think about: 


1.     What is the main purpose of this essay? 


2.     What is the thesis statement?


3.     Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 each give a reason for requiring school uniforms. These reasons can be found in the topic sentence of each paragraph. What are the reasons? 


4.     In Paragraph 4, what supporting information does the writer give to show that uniforms make students equal? 


5.     What is the counterargument to the thesis?


6.     The writer gives a refutation of the counterargument by showing that it is invalid. What is the writer's refutation?


7.     What is the sentence from the concluding paragraph that restates the thesis?


✔️Here are my suggested answers:

1.     The main purpose of the essay is to argue in favor of requiring school uniforms in U.S. public schools by presenting reasons why uniforms are beneficial for students and society.

2.     The thesis statement is: "School uniforms are the better choice for three reasons.

3.     Paragraph 2: Wearing school uniforms would help make students' lives simpler.

      Paragraph 3: School uniforms influence students to act responsibly in groups and as individuals.

        Paragraph 4: School uniforms would help make all students feel equal.

4.     The supporting information includes the idea that students' standards of living differ greatly, but school uniforms would make all students look the same regardless of their financial status. This would promote pride and help raise the self-esteem of students who cannot afford expensive clothing.

5.     The counterargument is that students who wear school uniforms cannot express their individuality.

6.     The writer refutes the counter-argument by stating that school is a place to learn, not to show off wealth or style. They also argue that students can express their individuality outside of school hours and through activities and clubs within school.

7.     "Public schools should require uniforms in order to benefit both the students and society as a whole."

If you are reading this line, it means you’ve reached the end! Hopefully, this gives you a concise but informative understanding of what is to be expected in an argument essay! 🙌🏻

Your favorite EMI friend, JJ

—signing off—


Reference: Gill, C. M. (2014). Essential writing skills for college and beyond. Penguin.