Prepare the EMI materials!

Hey teachers, ever wondered if your teaching materials are just right for your students? Are they easy to understand, or might they be a bit too challenging? Well, fret not! Introducing Text Inspector—a handy tool to help you gauge the language level of your articles. 📚

Here are three fantastic tools to choose from:

Linggle ( 

Linggle is a free online tool that helps you understand the language levels of the words in your article. Simply input your text, and Linggle will analyze the lexical choices, providing suggestions for easier-to-understand words and phrases. It's perfect for both teachers and students to improve comprehension.

Text Inspector ( 

While Text Inspector comes with a fee, it offers comprehensive analysis of your text. Not only does it assess language levels, it also identifies parts of speech, checks for grammar errors, and even taps into corpora (COCA and BNC) to determine word frequency. This helps teachers ensure that articles are error-free and suitable for student to read.

English Grammar Profile Online ( 

With this tool, you can type in individual words to understand their language levels. It's great for grasping word collocations and phrases. Plus, you can download the results for further analysis and share them with your students.

These tools make it easy-peasy to tailor your teaching materials to your students' needs. Happy teaching! 🍎📝