Let's Make a Website! 

【Technology and Tools】

👩‍🏫🌍 Hey there, educators and teaching assistants! Today, we're diving into the world of online community building, connecting you with your students or even folks worldwide. 🚀 Building a website might seem intimidating, especially if coding isn't your thing. But don’t be afraid! Enter "Google Sites" – your free, trouble-free website builder!

Google Sites eliminates the need for coding. It allows you to effortlessly create webpages. Simply add text, images, and videos – easy-peasy! But does it really make website publishing easier than ever? Let's explore! 🔍

Head over to the Google Search Engine. Type in "Google Sites," and here you are! Click the link and you're ready to start. But wait, before you dive in, make sure you've got a Google account handy. Without it, you won't be able to access the Google Sites platform.

Once logged in, you'll find yourself in the user-friendly platform. Check out the templates that meet your needs. Today, we're showing you how to create an interactive contact app!

First things first, create a blank webpage. Once there, spot the homepage icon on your right. Rename it to "Contact." Next up, hit "Add Text" to adjust a "Contact me" text box. Position and resize it to your liking. Now, onto adding the Google form, where your students can input their info. Adjust the form size and ensure it looks slick on mobile too. 💻 Sometimes, you can swap the form for buttons. Get creative – each button can lead to different pages, making your site interactive and engaging!

Ta-da! You've just built a contact app! Try it out and consider spicing it up for extra interactivity or repurpose it for other needs. Trust us, your students will dig this more than your typical webpage! 😎 Have a blast building your site, and don't forget to share it with us! We'd love to see what you create! 🌟