課程介紹|Course Introduction
想深入探討科技與人類社會的議題嗎? 楊健威老師的課程聚焦科技對教育、工作模式及法律的影響,並結合AI在語言學習中的應用與經典科幻作品的討論 ,深入反思人類對科技的依賴及其帶來的社會變革。楊老師的課程不僅培養學生的批判性思考、英語閱讀與寫作能力 ,還探索AI助力寫作的實用性,這將是不可錯過的精彩課程!
Want to explore the relationship between technology and human society? In Dr. William Chien-wei Yang's course, we will focus on the impact of technology on education, work practices, and legal concepts, as well as the application of AI in language learning and classic science fiction works . This course critically reflects on humanity's dependence on technology and the social transformations it brings.
Dr. Yang’s course enhances students' critical thinking, English reading, and writing skills while also exploring the practical use of AI in writing. It is an engaging course you won’t want to miss!
【課程名稱:Bilingualism and Technological Applications(雙語與科技應用) 】
上課時間:週四 09:10-12:00
這門課程旨在探討21世紀人類社會的重大課題:科技是否如科學家與創新者所聲稱的會帶來進步,亦或會控制人類並加劇不平等?課程將聚焦於理解科技對教育、工作模式以及法律概念的影響。課程中學生將培養閱讀、寫作與批判性思考能力,學習整合不同來源的資訊,分析問題,並以口語和書面形式清楚地表達觀點。同時以開放的心態,探索人工智慧(AI)應用在語言學習中的潛力,特別是在寫作方面。課程也會討論一系列經典科幻作品,包括艾賽克•艾希莫夫 (Isaac Asimov)的短篇小說集、菲利普•狄克(Philip KDick)的長篇小說,以及史蒂芬•史匹柏(Steven Spielberg)的電影。透過這些作品以反思人類對科技的依賴以及人形機器人可能帶來的社會變革。最後將以研究報告作為主題,幫助學生針對課堂中探討的議題提出己見,並完成一篇具有深度和洞見的研究報告。
Course number: 070405001
Class time: Thursday 09:10-12:00
This course tries to answer an overarching question faced by the twenty-first-century human society: does technology really lead to progress, as scientists and innovators have promised, or does it enslave human beings and exacerbate inequality? In this course, we will first consider the impacts on education, work practices, and legal concepts brought by technology. This course will equip you with essential reading, writing, and critical thinking skills to integrate sources of information, analyze related issues, and express your thoughts in oral and written forms. With an open mind, we will also explore the possibility of using Al to enhance language learning, especially in writing. Then, we will begin in-depth discussion of a collection of short stories by Issac Asimov, a film by Steven Spielberg, and a novel by Philip K. Dick, in which we have the opportunity to reflect on our use of/dependence on technology and the social transformation engendered by androids.
Following modules 2 and 3, you will learn to write a research paper to present your well-informed answer to the question our course proposes.