The EMI Resource Center
Our center hopes to witness an effective implementation of training programs for Teaching Assistants (TAs), EMI teacher training, and writing consultation services. We aspire to blend positivity and professionalism, highlighted by the orange dialogue box above the design of 'i', symbolizing our commitment to engaging conversations. The 'i' also represents our center as an information resource, embodying vibrant and professional communication through a group of skilled consultants.
🌟 Meet the Dynamic Team Behind NCCU's EMI Resource Center! 🌟
At National Chengchi University, our EMI Resource Center is driven by a passionate and diverse team devoted to advancing bilingual education and fostering a multicultural campus. 🙌 Here's a closer look at our team:
1️⃣ Director: Prof. Siaw-Fong Chung
Leading the center with expertise and dedication, Prof. Chung also serves as the Associate Executive Director of the Bilingual Education and Multicultural Promotion Office. She plays a crucial role in bringing the team together, coordinating efforts, and ensuring that the center’s initiatives align with the university's broader goals of enhancing the quality of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). 💡✨
2️⃣ EMI Teachers: Dr. Cheng-han Wu & Dr. William Chien-wei Yang
Our two EMI teachers play a pivotal role in creating immersive bilingual learning environments. They bring extensive experience in EMI, leveraging innovative methods to enhance students' language skills and academic understanding. 👨🏫 📚
3️⃣ Full-Time Assistants
Full-time assistants ensure the smooth operation of the center’s programs and initiatives. ✍️ They provide critical support for administrative tasks, assist in coordinating events, and contribute to maintaining an efficient workflow. 💼
4️⃣ Writing Consultation Team
Dedicated and experienced consultants assist students in improving their academic writing skills in English. They provide tailored guidance to help students articulate their ideas effectively, empowering them to excel in their studies and research. 🧠📝
5️⃣ Social Media Team
This team manages the center’s online presence, curating content to keep the university community informed and engaged. 🗣💻 They highlight key events, share resources, and celebrate success stories.
6️⃣ EMI TA Training Team
Focused on empowering teaching assistants, this team offers specialized training to ensure TAs are well-prepared to support EMI classrooms. 🤓🤝 Their efforts contribute to creating a collaborative and effective teaching environment.
7️⃣ Center Assistants
Center assistants play an essential role in supporting the center’s daily activities. 💭 They handle a range of operational tasks and provide hands-on assistance for events, ensuring the center remains well-organized and welcoming for all stakeholders. 💪
🌍 Together, this dynamic team drives the EMI Resource Center’s mission to elevate bilingual education at NCCU, creating a vibrant and inclusive academic environment for all. Stay connected with us for updates on events, resources, and initiatives! 🚀
Check out our members' page⬇️
📢 國立政治大學英語教學資源中心即將出書囉!📢
我們即將推出全新力作——《EMI Essentials: A Guide for University Faculty》!📖✨
本書由 Prof. Carolyn Ho(美國德州休士頓 Lone Star College-CyFair 英語教學教授)撰寫,並由 鐘曉芳教授(國立政治大學英語教學資源中心主任)擔任編輯。這本書匯集豐富的 EMI 教學經驗與實用策略,為大學教師提供清晰可行的指引,幫助大家掌握 英語授課(EMI) 的核心概念、技巧與最佳實踐。不論您是 EMI 新手,還是希望優化課堂教學,本書都將成為您的得力助手!💡🎓
敬請期待 📚,讓我們一起提升 EMI 教學品質,打造更國際化的學習環境!🌍💬
🔜 更多資訊即將公開,請密切關注本專頁!🙌 #NCCU #EMI #英語授課 #教師指南
📢 Exciting News: NCCU EMI Resource Center is Publishing a Book! 📢
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of EMI Essentials: A Guide for University Faculty! 📖✨
Authored by Carolyn Ho, a professor of English for Speakers of Other Languages at Lone Star College-CyFair in Houston, Texas, and edited by Siaw-Fong Chung, the Director of the EMI Resource Center at National Chengchi University, this book offers invaluable insights, strategies, and best practices for English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) teaching. Whether you're new to EMI or looking to refine your approach, this guide will be an essential resource for university educators! 💡🎓
Stay tuned 📚 as we work towards enhancing EMI teaching and fostering a more international learning environment! 🌍💬
🔜 More details coming soon—follow our page for updates! 🙌 #NCCU #EMI #TeachingGuide #HigherEducation
Grateful for the Thoughtful Gifts from AIT! 🎁✨
A heartfelt thank you to the Public Diplomacy Section of the American Institute in Taiwan for these wonderful gifts! We especially love the handwritten message. 🎉 Your generosity and support are deeply appreciated, and we look forward to more collaborations in the future! 🤝🌍✨
🌟🎥 政大EMI YouTube 系列即將上線!📢✨
我們的新成員 Antony Parnigoni 會於特定時間在校園內進行訪談,同學們都有機會巧遇他哦。👀 如果看到他,別害羞,大方對鏡頭打聲招呼吧!👋😊
🌟🎥 Exciting NCCU EMI YouTube Series Coming Soon! 📢✨
This semester, the EMI Resource Center will be conducting on-campus interviews on various topics, including English learning, EMI learning experiences, and introducing yourself in English! 🎤📚
Our new center member, Antony Parnigoni, will be moving around campus at designated times for these interviews. You may have the chance to meet him! 👀 If you see him, don’t be shy—say hello to the camera! 👋😊
Stay tuned for our exciting videos and let’s explore the EMI learning journey together! 🚀💡
The Latest News
#研究話語與溝通工作坊 #英語與其他語言中的概念表徵 #EMI溝通
【演講主題】Planting Seeds or Going to Battle? Metaphor and Gender in Business Discourse
講者:Kathleen Ahrens 教授
當代新聞與社群媒體的語境中,女性經常面臨許多隱喻式的障礙,例如「玻璃天花板」(glass ceiling)和近年提出的「玻璃懸崖」(glass cliff),這些隱喻不僅形塑了女性在業界的晉升與留任困境,也反映出深層的社會現象。這引發了一個重要問題:我們日常語言中源於「戰爭」(WAR)或「播種」(PLANT)等概念隱喻,是否同樣蘊含性別意義?本演講將探討這一命題,並參考近期研究成果,透過本體論框架(ontological frameworks)與搭配詞分析(collocational analysis)來檢視這些隱喻在語言中的使用情況(Ahrens & Jiang, 2020; Ahrens et al., 2024)。此外,講者將深入剖析女性在政治領域中如何運用隱喻策略,並探討這些性別化隱喻如何影響女性在不同領導環境中的定位與發展。
#產學合作講座 #國際學者
【演講主題】Building Bridges: Successful Industry Collaborations and Joint Teaching Projects in Higher Education
講者:Klaus Lang 教授
【演講主題】Corpus-Based Approaches to Professional (Spoken) Discourse: An Integrative Framework in the Age of AI
【地點】國立政治大學 達賢圖書館 7F 多功能室A、B
講者:Eric Friginal 教授
本講座聚焦於語料庫語言學(Corpus Linguistics, CL)在研究工作場所口語言談及跨文化專業溝通中的應用與方法論發展。傳統上,語料庫語言學的研究多集中於書面文本的分析,但本次講座的重點轉向對口語特徵的探討,包括韻律與語音元素。講者將展示方法論的進步如何支持對更複雜語言現象的深入研究,特別是在真實語境中的應用。講者還將探討如何開發、建構及註釋與職場話語相關的專門語料庫,並聚焦於跨文化專業溝通所面臨的挑戰與機遇。講者結合既有的語料庫語言學方法與計算方法,提出了一種結合量化語料分析與質性話語詮釋的迭代研究模型。其應用面向包含在客服中心的應答(Friginal, 2009, 2023)、航空業無線電話的通訊(Friginal, Mathews, & Roberts, 2019),及輔助溝通系統使用者(AAC)於工作領域上的對談(Light & McNaughton, 2022;Pickering et al., 2019)。
此外,講者將介紹最新的人工智慧(AI)與自然語言處理(NLP)技術,探討其如何革新語料庫開發及應用方式,進而影響語言研究的範疇與方法。講者特別提出了一種整合定量語料分析與定性話語詮釋的迭代研究模型,旨在為語料庫語言學研究提供更全面且精緻的視角。這場講座將為專業溝通、跨文化溝通、應用語言學及專業英語(English for Specific Purposes, ESP)等領域的研究人員與及相關業者帶來更深入地探究及增加學術研究的能量。
還在煩惱該怎麼選課嗎?想學習英文寫作或雙語溝通技巧,卻不知從何著手?EMI教學資源中心 吳承翰老師將於113學年度第二學期開設的三門精彩課程!不僅課程內容紮實,涵蓋寫作與溝通的多重訓練,吳老師生動有趣的教學方式更讓學生們寓教於樂。課堂中強調互動與合作,尤其是進階英文寫作,同儕之間將進行作文互評與建議交流,這有助於學生在英語寫作上進行深入思考與技巧改善。無論你是想精進學術能力,還是提升日常溝通技能,這三門課程都將是你最佳的選擇!
想深入探討科技與人類社會的議題嗎? 楊健威老師的課程聚焦科技對教育、工作模式及法律的影響,並結合AI在語言學習中的應用與經典科幻作品的討論 ,深入反思人類對科技的依賴及其帶來的社會變革。楊老師的課程不僅培養學生的批判性思考、英語閱讀與寫作能力 ,還探索AI助力寫作的實用性,這將是不可錯過的精彩課程!
Want to explore the relationship between technology and human society? In Dr. William Chien-wei Yang's course, we will focus on the impact of technology on education, work practices, and legal concepts, as well as the application of AI in language learning and classic science fiction works . This course critically reflects on humanity's dependence on technology and the social transformations it brings.
Dr. Yang’s course enhances students' critical thinking, English reading, and writing skills while also exploring the practical use of AI in writing. It is an engaging course you won’t want to miss!
As the 113-1 Fall Semester comes to an end, so does another successful round of EMI courses at the Center! 🎉👏
In the Bilingual Communication Skills class, Dr. Cheng-han Wu asked students to tackle current issues for their final presentations. Drawing on themes explored in lectures and discussions, students looked into topics such as self-identity, the role of the English language, celebrity culture, and the relationship between tradition and modernity.🤓 These presentations demonstrated not only their deep insights, but also their great ability to engage with everyday life through meaningful communication. 💬🗣️
Still deciding on your courses for the 113-2 Spring Semester? 🤔 Check out Dr. Cheng-han Wu's Bilingual Communication Skills class! Watch the video for a sneak peek! It might just light up your path to better communication skills! 💡🙌
⬅️點擊連結,跟我們一起回顧112學年度下半學期的活動集錦! 🎉🎉🎉
這些精彩內容也在我們的臉書上更新囉! 歡迎持續追蹤🔥
The Mini Saga Writing Competition Physical Books have come out!
We are glad to announce that the Mini Saga physical books have arrived at our center. The award winners are welcome to come and collect them!
Details: The Mini Saga Writing Competition Physical Books
⬅️ Check our our video!
You can join us in many ways.
aYou can contribute to our Facebook series
You can come to our activities
You can even join our team! Just contact us.
政大英語教學資源中心 開放寫作諮詢預約服務
別擔心!政大英語教學資源中心 寫作諮詢預約服務開放預約啦!