CONQUESTS Announcements

Each teacher has their class schedule with instructions linked. Click on your student's teacher on the left. Contact Mrs. VanHook for any questions

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Mrs. Leonie is available whenever you need her.


Phone: 707-530-1379

Mrs. Leonie brings to Napa Christian 25 years of experience in education, specifically child development and curriculum from several countries. She has taught every grade, served as an administrator for three schools in California, and trained teachers and principals in Marketing the Modern Parochial School. Although her job requires her to wear several hats, it is the time spent with her students in the art classroom, on the stage, in her office, or on the road which she values most. It is her belief that children learn best, and are at their happiest, when the school's hidden curriculum is one of unconditional positive regard for all.

Mrs. Leonie authored the CONQUESTS program in response to our mandated responsibility to meet our students’ evolving learning needs. “Our world is constantly and frenetically changing, and it is imperative that we ensure that our students are being prepared to meet these unpredictable challenges with confidence.”

CONQUESTS Farmer's Market

Tuesday: 3:30-6:00 p.m

Friday: 12:00-2:00 p.m.

Contact Info:

Aprille Alexander - 707-815-8856

Home and School Association

Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm subject to change (zoom link will be emailed prior)

Amy Kim - 707-492-9222

Office Manager:

Heather Rogers

Contact 707-255-5233

Business Manager:

Susie Kuhn

9-5 Mon-Thurs, 9-1 Friday

Office # 707-255-5233