Awards & Scholarships

Herman Williams Awards

The North Carolina Beta Club State Council voted to establish these awards in 2019 to honor the leadership of the long-time NC Council chairman Herman Williams.  Three separate awards will be offered.

Mr. Willams was a strong advocate for our North Carolina Convention, so members and sponsors must attend the North Carolina convention to be eligible for these awards.  *Currently the student applications are limited to the students who showed an interest in leadership by running for state office.

Application DeadlineAward suspended for 2023-2024 school year 

To apply, print or save a copy of the student application and/or sponsor application, fill it out, and then submit it via this Google form.

Hannah Leitner Scholarship

The North Carolina Beta Club State Council has awarded a college scholarship in honor of the first National Beta Sponsor for many years.  This year, the council plans to present two $1000 awards.  

Application Deadline:  The same date as the NC State Beta Convention registration deadline.

National Beta Club Scholarship

The National Beta Club has awarded college scholarships to its members since the 1990's.  As of 2019, there is no application fee.  Over two-hundred finalists receive $1000 scholarships, and 5 students will receive larger awards.

State Sponsor/Sponsor Elect Application

The North Carolina Beta Club State Council requires sponsors interested in serving at the NC State Sponsor to submit an application via this website no later than 1 week following the North Carolina Beta Convention registration deadline.  This position is only open in odd-numbered convention years.

The council will review applications and interview potential candidates.  The finalists will be introduced at the sponsors meeting and voted on by all North Carolina chapters in attendance.  

Please note that this position is a 6 year commitment to attend the North Carolina Junior & Senior Beta conventions (2 years as sponsor-elect, 2 years as state sponsor, and 2 years as the sponsor representative on the NC Beta council).

Applicants are expected to have previously served as a competition coordinator--preferably in a judged competition.  They should also have excellent interpersonal and electronic communication skills and be prepared to create, receive and share online resources with competition coordinators and other sponsors.

Application Deadline:  TBA

To apply, print or save a copy of this application, fill it out, and then submit it via this Google form.