
In 2018 we initiated workshops that run in parallel with the traditional NBFAS. The aim is to support the local community and give the opportunity to Early Career Researchers to talk about their work to a broad audience.

Online lectures

  • 2020 Online LMS Lecture Series: NBFAS, in association with the LMS, organized a series of online lectures on "Lipschitz problems for discrete metric spaces" given by Dr Michael Dymond (University of Innsbruck). The recorded lectures and notes are available here or through the LMS links here.

Past workshops

  • Birmingham, 16 April 2021. Workshop talks from Marina Iliopoulou (University of Kent) and David Bate (University of Warwick).

  • Nottingham, 1 and 2 November 2019. Workshop talks from Silouanos Brazitikos (Edinburgh) and Sam Morley (University of East Anglia).

  • Lancaster, 11 and 12 April 2019. Workshop talks from Samuel Evington (Glasgow), Lefteris Kastis (Lancaster) and Eskil Rydhe (Leeds).

  • Oxford, 1st and 2nd November 2018. Workshop talk from David Seifert (Oxford, UK).