The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which perennial plants are most likely to thrive at a location. The map is based on the average annual extreme minimum winter temperature, displayed as 10-degree F zones and 5-degree F half zones. A broadband internet connection is recommended for the interactive GIS-based map above.

Compute Engine resources are hosted in multiple locations worldwide.These locations are composed of regions and zones. A region is a specificgeographical location where you can host your resources. Regions have three ormore zones. For example, the us-west1 region denotes a region on the westcoast of the United States that has three zones: us-west1-a, us-west1-b,and us-west1-c.

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Resources that live in a zone, such asvirtual machine instances or zonalpersistent disks, are referred to as zonal resources.Other resources, likestatic external IP addresses,are regional. Regional resources can be used by any resource in that region,regardless of zone, while zonal resources can only be used by other resources inthe same zone.

For example, to attach a zonal persistent disk to an instance, both resourcesmust be in the same zone. Similarly, if you want to assign a static IP addressto an instance, the instance must be in the same region as the static IPaddress.

Putting resources in different zones in a region reduces the risk of aninfrastructure outage affecting all resources simultaneously.Putting resources in different regions provides an even higher degree of failureindependence. This lets you design robust systems with resources spreadacross different failure domains.

Only certain resources are region- or zone-specific. Other resources, such asimages, are global resources that can be used by any other resources across anylocation. For information on global, regional, and zonal Compute Engineresources, seeGlobal, Regional, and Zonal Resources.

Each region in Compute Engine contains a number of zones. Each zone namecontains two parts that describe each zone in detail. The first part of the zonename is the region and the second part of the name describes the zone inthe region:

Regions are collections of zones. Zones have high-bandwidth,low-latency network connections to other zones in the same region. In orderto deploy fault-tolerant applications that have high availability, Googlerecommends deploying applications across multiple zones and multiple regions.This helps protect against unexpected failures of components, up to andincluding a single zone or region.

Choose regions that makes sense for your scenario. For example, if youonly have customers in the US, or if you have specific needs that requireyour data to live in the US, it makes sense to store your resources inzones in the us-central1 region or zones in the us-east1 region.

Compute Engine implements a layer of abstraction between zones and thephysical clusters where the zones are hosted. A cluster represents a distinctphysical infrastructure that is housed in a data center. Each zone is hosted inone or more clusters and Compute Engine independently maps zones toclusters for each organization. For example, the us-central1-a zone for yourorganization might not map to the same cluster as the us-central1-a zone foranother organization.

For most organizations, Compute Engine ensures that all projects in anorganization have a consistent zone to cluster mapping. For organizations withprojects that useVPC Network Peering orPrivate services accessto share networks or services with other organizations, Compute Enginetries to ensure that the peered organizations all have a consistent zone tocluster mapping. In the case of large-scale SaaS providers, for example,Compute Engine might not provide a consistent mapping forall peered organizations. In these cases, Compute Engine ensures thatthe peered projects have a consistentzone to cluster mapping.

By default, all instances are configured so that these maintenance events aretransparent to your applications and workloads. Google uses a combination ofdatacenter innovations, operational best practices, and live migrationtechnology to move running virtual machine instances out of the way ofmaintenance that is being performed. Your instance continues to run within thesame zone with no action on your part.

For example, by hosting instances in zones europe-west1-b andeurope-west1-c, if europe-west1-b fails unexpectedly, your instancesin zone europe-west1-c will still be available. However, if you hostall your instances in europe-west1-b, you will not be able toaccess any instances if europe-west1-b goes offline. Also, consider hostingyour resources across regions. For example, to plan for continuedavailability of your workload in the unlikely scenario that theeurope-west1 region experiences a failure, consider deploying the workloadon backup instances in the europe-west3 region. For more tips on how todesign systems for availability, seeDesigning Robust Systems.

You can use the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or REST tosee available regions and zones.You can also use thegcloud compute machine-types list commandto get a complete list of available machine types in all regions and zones.For example, gcloud compute machine-types list --filter="name=t2d-standard-4"displays all the regions and zones where t2d-standard-4 machine types areavailable.

Each zone offers a variety of processors. When you create aninstance in a zone, your instance uses the default processor supported in thatzone. For example, if you create an instance in the us-central1-a zone, yourinstance by default uses an Intel Haswell processor, unless you specify anotheroption.

The following sortable table lets you select different options to see whereresources are available. For example, you can select Europe from the Selecta location drop-down menu, and C3D from the Select a machine typedrop-down menu to see a list of zones where C3D machines are available in Europe.

This website displays a detailed, interactive, color-coded map showing each evacuation zone. Residents can use the map to view their region or zoom in to their residential neighborhood and street. Users can enter their physical address in the search bar to view and confirm their designated evacuation zone.

Q: What are the New York State tax implications of the recently enacted federal tax benefits for investment in the Opportunity Zone Program?

A: Investor must invest in a qualified opportunity fund which holds at least 90% of its assets in qualified opportunity zone property. A qualified opportunity fund is an investment vehicle organized as a corporation or a partnership for the purpose of investing in qualified opportunity zone property. There are two main incentives to encourage investment in qualified opportunity funds. First, taxpayers can temporarily defer the inclusion in gross income of capital gains that are reinvested in a qualified opportunity fund. Taxpayers can also permanently exclude capital gains from the sale or exchange of an investment in a qualified opportunity fund held for more than 10 years. Generally, both the deferral and exclusion of the capital gains from federal income will flow through to New York State. This means those gains will also be deferred and excluded from New York taxable income

Each year in the spring, National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is held to bring national attention to motorist and worker safety and mobility issues in work zones. Since 1999, FHWA has worked with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) to coordinate and sponsor the event. The first national event was held at a work zone in Springfield, VA, in April 2000. Over the years, other transportation partners have joined the effort to support NWZAW. In addition to a national event conducted each year, many States host their own NWZAW events.

Swipe up on your clock face to see your current heart rate and either your heart-rate zone or resting heart rate (if not in a zone). To see heart rate details, tap (Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Versa 3) or swipe (other devices).

The federal tax bill passed at the end of December 2017 enables the governor to designate certain census tracts as Opportunity Zones. Investments made by individuals through special funds in these zones would be allowed to defer or eliminate federal taxes on capital gains. The governor was given the opportunity to designate up to 25 percent of census tracts that either have poverty rates of at least 20 percent or median family incomes of no more than 80 percent of statewide or metropolitan area family income. There are nearly 1,200 eligible census tracts and the governor designated 300 tracts based on economic data, recommendations from local partners, and the likelihood of private-sector investment in those tracts.

Based on nominations of eligible census tracts by the Chief Executive Officers of each State, Treasury has completed its designation of Qualified Opportunity Zones. Each State nominated the maximum number of eligible tracts, per statute, and these designations are final. The statute and legislative history of the Opportunity Zone designations, under IRC  1400Z, do not contemplate an opportunity for additional or revised designations after the maximum number of zones allowable have been designated in a State or Territory.

Before I get into the details, I just quickly want to touch on the fact that it's impossible to discuss zone focusing without also talking about reciprocity, or through how reciprocity is commonly explained "the exposure triangle". The exposure triangle is the diagrammatical way the reciprocal relationship of the three main settings of a camera: aperture, shutter and film speed work. This tutorial does assume prior knowledge of what these settings do, and why one might change them. That said, when I taught myself how to zone focus, it became the trigger for the all of the pieces of the exposure triangle puzzle falling into place. As such, even if you don't know what the exposure triangle is, I would still encourage you to read on! 0852c4b9a8

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