Invitation to Chat: Going from Passive to Proactive Chat Reference at Syracuse University Libraries

In May of 2018, Syracuse University Libraries began researching the possibility of providing proactive chat invitations on its website in order to draw attention to our Instant Messaging (IM) reference service. Our IM service, run with LibraryH3lp software, is staffed by graduate student assistants, library technicians, and librarians in our Learning Commons Department. This project required careful planning, research, and frequent communication with entities both in and out of the library in order to design and implement an effective proactive chat invitation throughout our website. We launched LibraryH3lp’s proactive chat invitation feature in August 2018 on our main website as well as our SUMMON Discovery Tool, local catalog, and LibGuides pages. We immediately experienced an increase in chat questions. In comparing the data from August 2017 to August 2018, we discovered that the percentage of virtual reference interactions increased by approximately 140%. In order to support our staff, we created a guide to provide round-the-clock virtual reference tips, crisis call resources, canned messages, and virtual reference best practices. Presenters will share details and decisions involved in the planning process, as well as the impact of the proactive chat invitation on service activity and support provided to staff to accommodate the increase in reference questions.

Abby Kasowitz-Scheer, Syracuse University, Learning Commons Librarian

Abby Kasowitz-Scheer is a Learning Commons Librarian at Syracuse University Libraries, where she provides reference, instruction and outreach services. Before she joined the SU Libraries in 2001, Abby was coordinator of the Virtual Reference Desk Project at the Information Institute of Syracuse. Abby holds an M.S. in Library Science and an M.S. in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation from Syracuse University. She can be reached at

Natalie LoRusso, Syracuse University, Reference and User Experience Librarian

Natalie LoRusso is the Reference and User Experience Librarian at Syracuse University Libraries. Her duties include reference, usability testing, and website development. Natalie graduated from Syracuse University in 2017 with an M.S. in Library and Information Science. She can be reached at