Effective Chat Reference Referral Strategies: Building Bridges to Subject Specialists

In academic libraries with subject librarians, how can chat reference be used as a pipeline for building relationships with user groups? This session builds on evidence from two years of subject research inquiries in chat reference at the University of Illinois at Chicago, drawing on a forthcoming paper in College & Research Libraries. Participants will learn the range of ways in which chat providers of all statuses (librarians, staff, and student employees) framed referrals in 467 examples, including how providers carried out the referral (giving contact information or putting in a ticket), how they framed the referral (by apologizing or by promoting the benefits of working with a subject specialist), and whether the provider offered the referral as an option or a recommendation. The presenter will discuss the pros and cons of connecting users to subject specialists via chat – balancing workload with promoting library services and resources, as well as the potential for chat reference as a means of reaching users who might never ask a question in person (potentially those with less exposure to libraries and thus feel less welcome.) The session will include opportunities for active response from participants to assess examples of real chats and to vote on best practices for referrals to subject specialists.

Paula R. Dempsey

Paula R. Dempsey is head librarian for Research Services & Resources at the Richard J. Daley Library, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). She chairs the UIC Virtual Reference Team, and her research interests are focused on virtual reference as a site for teaching and learning. A previous study examined how the first seconds of a chat interaction influence the rest of the exchange, and another analyzed how resource links provided in a chat correlate with instructional strategies. She holds a PhD in Sociology in addition to the MLIS.