Navicosoft Pty ltd

Navicosoft Pty ltd Privacy Policy

At Navicosoft Pty ltd and its affiliates ("we", "our", or "us"), we value your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding the information we collect from you or about you. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding Personal Information when you use our website, applications, and services (collectively, "Services") how we use it, and when it might be shared with third parties. By using our Services, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with the policy, please refrain from using our Services.

This page explains our data collection, usage, and disclosure practices concerning Personal Information. Your usage of our Services and provision of information to us indicate your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the processing of your information as described herein.

Please note that terms defined in our Terms and Conditions hold the same meanings in this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise stated.


1. Personal Information We Collect

For an enhanced user experience while utilizing our Services, we may request specific personally identifiable information, such as your name. Please note that the information you provide will be retained on your device and will not be collected by us.

Our app may integrate third-party services that collect information for identification purposes. You can find links to the privacy policies of these third-party service providers within the app.

Link to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app

1. AdMob

2. Log Data

We collect Personal Information as detailed below:

Personal Information You Provide:

Account Information: When you create an account, we collect data associated with it, including your name, contact details, account credentials, payment card information, and transaction history ("Account Information").

User Content: Your use of our Services generates Personal Information present in the input, file uploads, or feedback you provide ("Content").

Communication Information: When you contact us, we collect your name, contact details, and message contents ("Communication Information").

Social Media Information: Interactions with our social media pages yield Personal Information you choose to share with us, like your contact information ("Social Information"). Additionally, social media hosts may share aggregate information and analytics about our social media activity.

Personal Information We Automatically Receive:

Log Data: Whenever you use our Services and encounter errors within the app, we collect Log Data through third-party products. This information may include your device's IP address, device name, operating system version, app configuration, usage time and date, and additional statistics.

Usage Data: We gather data about your interaction with the Services, such as content viewed, features used, actions taken, time zone, country, access dates and times, device type, and connection details.

Device Information: Details about your device, operating system, device identifiers, and browser.

Cookies: Our Service does not explicitly use "cookies," which are small data files commonly used to identify users. However, our app may include third-party code or libraries that utilize cookies to enhance their services. You have the choice to accept or decline these cookies. Refusing cookies may limit your access to certain features.

Analytics: We use various online analytics tools utilizing cookies to analyze Service usage and improve it.

Service Providers

We may engage third-party entities for various reasons, including:

Facilitating our Service.

Providing services on our behalf.

Performing service-related tasks.

Assisting us in analyzing Service usage.

Please be aware that these third parties may access users' Personal Information solely for fulfilling their assigned tasks. However, they are prohibited from disclosing or using the information for any other purpose.

2. How We Use Personal Information

We utilize Personal Information for the following reasons:

Providing, administering, maintaining, and analyzing our Services.

Improving our Services and conducting research.

Communicating with you.

Developing new programs and services.

Preventing fraud, criminal activity, misuse, and protecting IT systems and networks.

Carrying out business transfers.

Complying with legal obligations and protecting rights, privacy, safety, or property.

We may aggregate or de-identify Personal Information for analytical purposes and may share aggregated information. We use Content to enhance our Services, including training models. See here to opt out of using your Content for model training.

3. Disclosure of Personal Information

In specific circumstances, we may share your Personal Information without notice, unless required by law:

Vendors and Service Providers: We share Personal Information with service providers supporting our operations.

Business Transfers: During strategic transactions, Personal Information may be disclosed during diligence processes and transferred as part of the transaction.

Legal Requirements: We share information to comply with laws, protect rights, safety, property, and security.

Affiliates: We may share Personal Information with our affiliates.

4. Security

We prioritize the protection of your Personal Information and strive to employ commercially acceptable security measures. However, it's important to understand that no method of data transmission over the internet or electronic storage is entirely secure. While we aim for maximum security, we cannot guarantee absolute safety.

Links to External Sites

Our Service may include links to external websites. Clicking on a third-party link will direct you to that site. Kindly note that these external sites are not operated by us, so it's advisable to review their Privacy Policies. We hold no control or responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of third-party websites or services.

5. Children

Our Services are not designed for individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children below 13 years of age. If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided personal information, we promptly delete it from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and believe your child provided us with personal information, please contact us for necessary actions.

6. International Users

Using our Service means your Personal Information will be processed and stored in the US and may be disclosed to affiliates and service providers in other countries.

7. Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. We recommend reviewing this page occasionally for any changes. We will inform you of any updates by posting the revised Privacy Policy on this page.

8. Contacting Us

For questions not addressed here, please contact our support. You can also give suggestions and feedback at