
Peer-Reviewed Publications

Ahmed, A. U., Hoddinott, J., Abedin, N., & Hossain, N. (2021). The impacts of GM foods: results from a randomized controlled trial of Bt eggplant in Bangladesh. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 103(4), 1186-1206.

Fakir, A. M., & Abedin, N. (2021). Empowered by absence: does male out-migration empower female household heads left behind? Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22(2), 503-527. 

Press Highlights

Empowered by absence: does male out-migration empower female household heads left behind? highlighted in the Harvard Kennedy School Gender Action Portal

Online publications

Theis, S., Krupnik, T. J., Sultana, N., Rahman, S. U., Seymour, G., & Abedin, N. (2019). Gender and agricultural mechanization: a mixed-methods exploration of the impacts of multi-crop reaper-harvester service provision in Bangladesh IFPRI Discussion Paper (Vol. 1837). International Food Policy Research Institute.

Abedin, N., Alwang, J., Chen, S., Fan, F., Liverpool, A., Navarette, J., Posadas, B., Quaye, L., & Tajanpure, P. (2022). Using remote sensed data for social & economic decision making in Zimbabwe. Virginia Tech Data Science for the Public Good & University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute. 

Working Papers

Effectiveness of agricultural diversification in promoting food security (with Samiul Haque). Paper selected for presentation at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting 2021, Austin, TX. Aug 1st-3rd 2021. 

Access to water estates and food security outcome: evidence from coastal Bangladesh (with Samiul Haque, Rushde Akbar and Ismail Hossain). Paper selected for poster presentation at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting 2019, Atlanta, GA. Jul 21st-23rd 2019. 

Assessing the effectiveness of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) rice varieties in flood-prone southern Bangladesh

Drought and their consequences on food security in Zimbabwe (with Susan Chen and Jeffrey Alwang)

Technical Presentations

Assessing the effectiveness of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) rice varieties in flood-prone southern Bangladesh presented at the Center for Advanced Innovation in Agriculture (CAIA) Lightning Talk, Virginia Tech, Dec 8 2022.

Referee Work

Reviewer for Food Security