Day 2 (In Person)

Check In  (Outside of Auditorium)

7:45-9:00 AM

Check-in with our staff between this time. Come have some breakfast and network with other attendees in the MCC Dining Room (Breakfast hours are from 6:00-8:30 AM, if you arrive after 8:30 there will still be coffee, tea, and snacks available by the registration desk)


Opening Remarks (Auditorium)        

9:00-9:30 AM 

From the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Secretary of the Environment

Speaker: Serena McIlwain  


Announcements and Updates  (Auditorium)   

9:30-9:45 AM 

quick orientation to the day from the NCF staff


Networking Break 

9:45-10:15 AM 

A chance to refill your coffee and network with other attendees                 


Concurrent Sessions 5 & 6

10:15-11:45 AM

Session 5 (Auditorium)

My Coast and Climate Change

This discussion will cover tools and strategies for coastal resilience from Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Speakers: Kate Vogel and Johanna Guardado 

Session 6 (Classroom 2)

Black Landscaper's Alliance: Collaboration Over Competition 

Hear from a panelist of experienced landscapers who have shown how unity can increase individual capacity 

Speakers: Alex Smith, Dontae Brown, Anthony Murphy,  John Parsley and Damon Byrd


Lunch (Dining Room) 
11:45 AM -1:15 PM

Lunch will be provided on site at the Maritime Conference Center. 


Concurrent Sessions 7 & 8
1:15-2:45 PM

Session 7 (Classroom 2)

Reaching Communities Better: Air, Land and Water

What are organizations doing to make their science, programs and other activities more accessible to communities   

Speakers: Meghan Hazer, Jan Michael Archer, Curtis Bennett

Session 8 (Auditorium)

Partnership Tree Plantings in Maryland  

Panel discussion that brings together community and state partners to discuss approaches to and benefits of expanding tree canopy cover in the Greater Baltimore region. 

Speakers: Allison Breitenother, Marie Panday, Justin Bowers, Johnny Shaw, and Lianna Gomori-Ruben



2:45-3:00 PM


Concurrent Sessions 9 & 10
3:00-4:30 PM

Session 9 (Auditorium)

Eroding History

 A documentary and discussion about how climate change is affecting Black communities on Deal Island 

Speakers: Rona Kobell

Session 10 (Classroom 2)

Called to Care: Mobilizing the Faith Community for Climate and Environmental Solutions

What are some of the unique partnerships and solutions to climate change that have come from faith based organizations

Speakers: Cynthia Taylor, Joel Thomsen, Mary Triandafilou, Salman Sheikh, Abel Olivo, and Bonnie Sorak


Closing Presentation (Auditorium)

4:30-4:50 PM

Forum recap , updates, and announcements 


Thank You

4:50-5:00 PM

Final thank you for attending and making NCF 2023 possible!
