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Video games seem to be a unique type of digital activity. Empirically, the cognitive benefits of video games have support from multiple observational and experimental studies23,24,25. Their benefits to intelligence and school performance make intuitive sense and are aligned with theories of active learning and the power of deliberate practice26,27. There is also a parallel line of evidence from the literature on cognitive training intervention apps28,29, which can be considered a special (lab developed) category of video games and seem to challenge some of the same cognitive processes. Though, like for other digital activities, there are contradictory findings for video games, some with no effects30,31 and negative effects32,33.

Nature Digital Background Free Download


We also found a positive impact of watching TV and other digital videos on the change in intelligence. This result is much less expected than the results for playing video games. And such a result was also less robust than gaming: our posthoc analysis replacing SES with parental education showed no impact of watching and the change in intelligence (while the impact still existed for gaming). In the model with parental education, there was a much higher negative association of it with screen time. When such a stronger confounder was accounted for in the model, perhaps it was the reason for the lack of impact of watching videos on the change in intelligence. So, the amount of TV shows that children watch is influenced by the education of the parents, and so correcting for it results in a lower estimate. Alternatively, the amount of TV could merely be correlated with parental education and the impact of video watching is spurious (with parental education being the real cause for intelligence changes).

Not to be used for awards, resale, or commercial profit or gain outside the above mentioned use. License permits a single user/studio to use this digital asset. Sharing or distributing these items outside the described terms is illegal. For any other use, please contact us directly to discuss extended licensing options.

The same ideas on the ground apply to BIF. You need the light coming from some direction behind you lighting the subject. The more light the better because it allows for a faster shutter speed. That said, shoot up to 2 hours after sunrise and the 2 hours before sunset. Midday light is unappealing. Use a minimum of 1/1250 ss but go to 1/2500 or higher if you have enough light. Don't worry much about f stop. Higher shutter speed is the priority. When shooting BIF get a background if you can. BIF with nothing but sky for background tend to be boring. In general don't use a polarizer as it reduces light and therefore shutter speed. If you are shooting over a bright reflective surface, water or snow you might need a polarizer. A blue sky is in general more appealing than a white sky. Focus on the eye and take lots of shots.

Yes, I was focusing on the sky so much, and it does get boring, though a clean background. Though just shoot when bright, but realized sunrise and sunset can provide excellent light if bird is frontlit. Before sunrise, too dark. Shutter speed priority, and focus on the eye. Thanks.

With respect to better, I suppose it is uncontroversial to say that a blue sky is a more interesting background than a grey/white one, and easier to meter. Unfortunately, blue skies aren't always available so I try to make do with what is.

A sky only background for BIF is the equivalent of 'bird on a stick' and at the basic end of the scale. As you gain experience start to include environmental backgrounds as they make far better images but are much harder to accomplish. Sky colour matters little and light direction makes no difference if exposed/edited correctly, back lit will give the most dramatic images but can be harder to do. Try to avoid using one setup for all your images, learn to shoot from all light angles and backgrounds.

I actually like the black background with flowers. I've sometimes used an off camera speedlite to add more light directly to the subject and let me get the black background. It really makes the flowers pop. Here's one of my favorites that I did that way.

This young buck lives in a mountain neighborhood of vegans and free-gans. My friend is constantly chasing him away from his door and garden. The deer have eaten his front yard plants down to nubs. It's a crappy photo I took quickly before he ran from my dog, but I wanted to share because I thought the background was funny.

Envision an imaginative nature with enhanced features of fluffy clouds, white mountains, luscious green trees, and many others! Remixed retro & vintage design elements. Beautiful nature photos & graphics come together in this background for a unique digital art look. Many more magical realism design resources perfect for collage art curated here.

FilterGrade is a marketplace for creators to sell their digital products. Discover Lightroom Presets, Add-Ons, Social Media Templates, Video LUTs, After Effects Templates, Capture One Styles, Overlays, Design Templates, Educational Resources and more. Read more about us.

ORCID identifiers give researchers a personal, permanent digital code that distinguishes them from every other researcher and links to their publication record, ensuring their work is properly and duly recognized.

The Contributions for Nature platform allows IUCN Members to document where they are undertaking (or planning to undertake) conservation and restoration actions. It overlays data for biodiversity and for nature-based solutions to climate change. This allows IUCN constituents to document their intended contributions to IUCN's Nature 2030 Programme and by extension, other conservation frameworks and agreements such as the Global Biodiversity Framework, Paris Agreement, and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While the long-term vision for the Contributions for Nature platform spans the entire of the Nature 2030 IUCN Programme, its first phase focuses on documentation of potential contributions to the Programme Areas on Land and Climate.

The Contributions for Nature platform serves the key need for documenting contributions for nature from IUCN as a Union. It documents potential contributions in a quantitative way, complementary to, and interacting with other platforms which allow documentation of qualitative pledges. Benefits include: 9af72c28ce

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