Natural Style

Shimada Mountaineering Guide Office

- Invitation to the great Japanese beauties -

Our concept

"Empowerment from the nature"

We assume the nature of human-beings are to be attracted to the mountains, nature and the wilderness, as long as we are a part of living things. The experiences in the nature let us have wider views, new findings and make us storonger physically and mentally, thus we will be able to  make our own decisions more independently. These are quite critical ability to survive, but more, enrich our lives.

Our health, the beautiful environments, the histories and cultures which sustain our modern civilization, the activies in the nature let us enjoy them in a well-balanced manner.

However, the activies in the wildness always come with invisible risks and the safety is not secured.

We guide our clients under recognition of the risks, boost our imagination, and enjoy the atomospher while making the safest decisions possible.

We encourage to develop "your power of living"

Our guide team have been guiding our guests to mountains in  our home area Kansai and all over Japan over 20 years. There're still lots of unknown spectacular scenes in Japanese mountains and we are excited to be unrevealing them with our clients.