Our Philosophies 

Natural Learning Alternative was created to provide children with a loving, developmentally appropriate learning environment. We believe children are all creative, unique individuals who each have their own special gifts!

We offer a true child-led environment with lots of space, time and opportunities for children to explore and discover with real hands-on experiences. At NLA we respect children as individuals

In the early years, our cooperative, parent participant model offers lots of loving engagement and connection for both children and adults. Parent support is a big part of our community!


Basic Behavior Modeling 

We don’t force apologies at NLA. Navigating conflict and sharing is a big part of what is going on for our children at this age. Model respect at all times. Lots more about this in the Parent Tools section of the handbook. One tool that can be helpful is the L.E.V.E.R.S approach when faced with a challenge:  (adapted from L.R. Knost- The Gentle Parent) 

Here’s an example. A few children are working with the play-doh and tools, one child walks up and says “Hey! I was using that roller first! I want it back!”

L. E. V. E. R. S

L. Listen- just listen to them, say nothing. Listen not only to their words but their behaviors. 

E. Empathize- “I hear how upset you are, you really want that roller.” 

V. Validate- “It’s hard to wait, you thought it would be available when you came back but someone else is using it” 

E. Evaluate- evaluate potential solutions. “What can we do? Should we choose another tool until the roller is available or go swing or paint while we wait? 

R. Reiterate- Reiterate the problem, potential solutions, and your confidence in their ability to handle the problem and your availability to help them if they need you. 

S. Support- Support their attempts to work through their problem by helping them process their emotions, and being ready to stem-in and assist if they are getting overwhelmed. 

Additional Parent Tools 

While we know every situation that arises is unique, these “words” may help! It takes practice and they may not come when you most need them, but eventually having these “tools” in our back pocket will help! All with a calm tone and gentle “let me help you” attitude.

5 Steps to Problem solving

Use “Staylistening” technique

Move close, stop irrational behavior, make time for feelings. “I care, you are safe”

Allowing children to solve problems by themselves creates all kinds of learning: 

(resource: ”What the kids said today by Daniel Gartrell page 123)

“Cognitively, the children have to integrate contradictory information into a hypothetical compromise. Linguistically, they have to put complex thoughts and feelings into acceptable words. Emotionally, they have to control angry impulses, accommodate a contradictory point of view, and take the risk that they may end up frustrated. Socially, they have to listen and reach a compromise with a person who they are angry at. Solving problems for children takes all of these learning opportunities from them.  They will need help and guidance some of the time.”

 Books that Inspire Us

The Wonder of Boys by David Elking

Unconditional Parenting by Michael Gurian

The Wonder of Boys by Alfie Kohn

Your Self-Confident Baby by Magda Gerber & Allison Johnson

Other Resources

Other Resources:

Hand in Hand Parenting: online classes/articles

AhaParenting.com Laura Markham

Unconditional Parenting moving from rewards and punishments to love and reason by Alfie Kohn

Janet Lansbury all books, blog, soundcloud audio and articles 

Teacher Tom blogs 

Heart-Centered Teaching Inspired by Nature by Nancy Rosenow 

What if Everybody Understood Child Development by Rae Pica

The Power of Guidance by Dan Gartrell

Explorations Early Learning: Podcasts

The Nature Principle by Richard Louv

The Power of Play by David Elkind

Taking Back Childhood by Nancy Carlsson-Paige

Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline by Becky A. Bailey

It’s Ok Not to Share and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids by Heather Shumaker

It’s Ok To Go Up The Slide by Heather Shumaker

Bright Not broken by Diane M. Kennedy and Rebecca S. Banks

Video: Dr. Peter Gray on the Decline of Play

The Gentle Parent- L.R. Knost