The Ultimate Handbook of Natural Cures

''Discover the Natural Cures and Remedy used to treat Illness and Disease for Hundred of Years... STOP Using Unnecessary Drugs and Pills, and Learn The Natural Cures Doctors Never Informed You About!'' 

Learn how to cure common illness and disease naturally by yourself,

without visiting or spending a dime to the doctor or pharmacist! 

With health care on the rise, many people are looking for natural alternatives to the costly medications we currently rely on.

Remember Your Mother Telling That “An Apple a Day Would Keep the Doctor Away”…

Could Be Absolutely True?!

You're About To Possess One Of The World's Most Powerful  

Natural Cure Secrets That The 'Gurus' Want Hidden From You Forever! 



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From The Desk of Inspirational Imagery

Memo: You'll be Surprised to Know..."

Dear Friend,

Natural Cures Introduction

Natural Cures for common diseases is not a concept of the twenty-first century. It is an age-old practice that has been passed down from one generation to another.

Natural cure remedies are based on the knowledge that most natural foods like fruits, herbs, vegetables -- as well as other natural substances -- possess many medicinal properties.

Most disease and illness is preventable and curable using natural substances. It’s been said that every ailment we face as human beings can be remedied with something in nature. Sometimes it may be bark, leaves, or flowers. Other times it may be an herb, root, or fungi.

These natural foods and substances have been tried and refined as natural cures in many countries.  Research has proven many of these natural remedies to be astonishingly effective.

The living proof is that our ancestors -- with the help of these cures -- lived a happier, healthier, and longer life.  

According to the Nigerian Medical Association journal, over 200,000 Nigerians die in hospitals every year due to side effects from regularly prescribed medications. 

Throughout Nigeria, a huge amount of medication is prescribed on a daily basis. The medical community openly acknowledges that fact that it does not have any cures for several common diseases that affect people, which is a huge problem in the country.

Most allopathic medicine have side effects that can range from mild to severe. The reason for this is that most of these chemicals have certain toxin properties. 

This is why there have been so many prescription drugs that got pulled from the market after enjoying several years of NAFDAC approval.

The sad and most annoying thing is that few doctors nowadays bothers or even care to inform patients about possible side effect due to close and cozy relationships with the pharmacuetical industries, and which is not fair to every individual lacking the necessary knowledge and information about natural cures.  

Nature cure is based on the realisation that man is born healthy and strong and that he can stay as such as living in accordance with the laws of nature.

Even if born with some inherited affliction, the individual can eliminate it by putting to the best use the natural agents of healing, fresh air, sunshine, a proper diet, exercise, scientific relaxation, constructive thinking and the right mental attitude, along with prayer and meditation all play their part in keeping a sound mind in a sound body.

Natural cures is a system of theraphy that avoid drugs and surgery and emphasizes the use of natural remedies (air, water, heat, sunshine) and physical means (massage, electrical treatment) to treat illness.

This publication is a compilation of tried and true remedies that have been handed down through the ages. As many people are trying to get back to nature and use more raw materials instead of processed poisons, this guide may help you with a cure or remedy for something that ails you.

As you well know, medical costs are constantly on the rise, and there's no sign that it's going to slow down.

   There's got to be a better way!

In an effort to discover an alternative to the rising cost of doctors and drugs, many people are looking to home remedies and natural cures.

"Naturopathy" is a way of life.

It is a distinct philosophy and science which strengthens the age-old faith in the correction of bodily disorders and restoration of health through elements freely available in nature.

It brings home the basic fact that healing is brought about by the inherent curative powers of the body.

" The Ultimate Handbook of Natural Cures and Remedies " is a complete guide to naturopathy. This eBook offers a way which, if followed, will provide re-newed energy, increased vitality, and greater satisfaction that comes from living a full and useful life. I advocates that nature provides a cure for every illness and disorder.

This informative and revealing eBook is full of information on how to Naturally Cure many common ailments and diseases. Presented in PDF Format with easy Bookmarked Navigation so you won't have to scroll through loads of pages just to find the section that you need.

The eBook contains information on 200's of different diseases and illnesses, as well as the symptoms, causes, and treatment for them. Among the many different illnesses include: influenza, kidney stones, rheumatism, sexual impotence, heart disease, diabetes, eczema, asthma, obesity, insomnia, and many many more!! The treatments can be carried out by yourself naturally at home.

The following sections are included in the eBook

Part I:Nature Cure and Natural Methods of Treatment

(1) Principles & Practice of Nature Cure  

(6) Therapeutic Value of Massage

(2) Fasting - The Master Remedy

(7) Yoga Therapy

(3) Therapeutic Baths

(8) Healing Power of Colours

(4) Curative Powers of Earth

(9) Sleep - Restorative of Tired Body & Mind

(5) Exercise in Health & Disease


Part II: Health Through Nutrition

(10) Optimum Nutrition for Vigour & Vitality

(16) Health Promotion The Vegetarian Way

(11) Miracles of Alkalizing Diet

(17) Importance of Dietary Fibre

(12) Vitamins & Their Importance in Health & Disease

(18) Lecithin - An Amazing Youth Element

(13) Minerals & Their Importance in Nutrition

(19) Role of Enzymes in Nutrition

(14) Amazing Power of Amino Acids

(20) Raw Juice Therapy

(15) Secrets of Food Combining

(21) Sprouts for Optimizing Nutrition

Part III:Diseases And Their Natural Treatment

(22) Acne

(53) Headaches & Migraine

(23) Alcoholism

(54) Heart Disease

(24) Allergies

(55) High Blood Cholesterol

(25) Anaemia

(56) High Blood Pressure

(26) Appendicitis

(57) Hydrocele

(27) Arteriosclerosis

(58) Hypoglycemia

(28) Arthritis

(59) Indigestion

(29) Asthma

(60) Influenza

(30) Back Ache

(61) Insomnia

(31) Bronchitis

(62) Jaundice

(32) Cancer

(63) Kidney Stones

(33) Cataract

(64) Leucoderma

(34) Cirrhosis of the Liver

(65) Neuritis

(35) Colitis

(66) Nephritis

(36) Common Cold

(67) Obesity

(37) Conjunctivitis

(68) Peptic Ulcer

(38) Constipation

(69) Piles

(39) Dandruff

(70) Premature Graying of Hair

(40) Defective Vision

(71) Prostate Disorders

(41) Depression

(72) Psoriasis

(42) Diabetes

(73) Pyorrhoea

(43) Diarrhoea

(74) Rheumatism

(44) Dysentery

(75) Sexual Impotence

(45) Eczema

(76) Sinusitis

(46) Epilepsy

(77) Stress

(47) Falling of Hair

(78) Thinness

(48) Fatigue

(79) Tonsillitis

(49) Gall Bladder Disorders

(80) Tuberculosis

(50) Gastritis

(81)  Varicose Veins

(51) Glaucoma

(82)  Venereal Diseases(Gonorrhea, Syphilis)

(52) Gout


Part IV: Women's Problems

(83) Menstrual Disorders

(90) Inflammation of the Uterus

(84) Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

(91) Prolapse of the Uterus

(85) Menopausal Problems

(92) Vaginitis

(86) Childbirth - The Natural Way

(93) Pruritus Vulvae

(87 Habitual Abortion

(94) Hysteria

(88) Female Sterility

(95) Goitre

(89) Leucorrhoea


Part V: Other Diseases

(96) Cholera

(103) Measles

(97) Dermatitis

(104) Mumps

(98) Hiatis Hernia

(105) Pleurisy

(99) Intestinal Worms

(106) Pneumonia

(100) Malaria

(107) Sore Throat

(101) Whooping Cough

(108) Cystisis

(102) Halitosis


You could be walking around with High Blood Pressure or Heart Disease and not know it until it's too late!

The biggest reasons for heart related deaths are smoking, poor eating habits and lack of exercise.

People are stuck in their offices, or their cars, and they just don't eat right or schedule time for a little exercise.

Coupled with the rising cost of medical care, it's getting harder and harder for the average person to stay healthy...until now.

"Natural Cures" reveals how you can treat and often cure many of the diseases and ailments you would normally have to run to the doctor for. You'll be learning how to treat ailments at home, just like they did in the old days.

With medical related costs skyrocketing, more and more people are turning to home remedies and natural cures than ever before, and the truth is, there are natural remedies available over the counter and maybe already in your own kitchen that will do as good a job, or maybe even better than drugs.

Each ailment also has a list of foods you can eat which will lessen the effects of the disease, or downright cure them!

Instead of paying $90, $125, or even $150 for a doctor's visit, plus no telling how much more for prescription drugs, you can treat your own ailments for mere pennies!

Instead of having to make an appointment, get in the car, go to the doctor's office, wait for hours until you can actually get in to see the doctor, you simply walk to the kitchen, and open the cabinet.

Well you will be surprised to know that there is another way; a much healthier alternative that has been around for hundred of years! Yes, natural cures have been around from the beginning of time, but we rarely even use them because of the amount of advertising and media surrounding the importance of pharmaceutical synthetic drugs.

Are you looking for a more natural way

 to obtain relief for common ailments?

The Ultimate Handbook Of Natural Cures and Remedies is your answer. Inside you will find a wide selection of recipes for natural cures and remedies that will have you feeling better in no time.

Do you suffer from headaches? Try the Headache natural Cure.

Feeling blue? Whip up a batch of natural cures and chase away depression.

Got a cold or the flu. Cold and Flu natural cures will help to relieve those nasty symptoms.

Can't Sleep? Insomnia natural cures is the answer.

Stomach feeling queasy?  try natural cures made from common household spices.

Or maybe you suffer from allergies? try the natural cures during the allergy season and throw away that over the counter medication.

In The Ultimate Handbook Of Natural Cures and Remedies you will find these and many more recipes made from nature. Why fill your body with man-made chemicals and risk the side-effects that many drugs can have, when you can use natural cures and remedies? 

"What the Drug and Pill Companies 

Don't Want You To Know About!"

Considering the mass amount of doctors and specialists in the medical industry, only a handful of specialists in various parts of the world promote the use of natural remedies to treat disease.

The fact is, there are alternative ways to cure and prevent disease-

Also, eradicate them. 

There are also natural, non-drug and non-surgical ways to cure and prevent virtually every disease,

but drugs and food companies never promote these methods of treatment because pharmaceutical drugs and treatments are big money...and that's the truth.

Until now, the public has been deceived by a highly organized and extremely well financed advertising from the media. Fake claims have been passed off and we now believe that the only way to treat any symptoms of illness or disease is to purchase off-the counter drugs. This is simply not true!

"What's The Wisest Way 

to Cure a Disease?"

Based on scientific evidence, it is clear that the safest and most effective treatment for various diseases are right in our households.

A mixture of natural fruits, vegetables and herbs are some of the things needed to prevent or cure disease. I'm not teaching you how to make a fruit salad or juice, with the right combination of ingredients, a cure can be created in the privacy of your own home!

Many off-the counter drugs are made from natural extractions from plants, but of course, synthetic materials are combined in the mix.

This causes the side effects you read and hear on media, and that is one of the reason most people don't live longer in Africa because of wrong health information been provided.

The fact and research in this book benefits everyone- whether you're a 21 year old student in University or you're retired at the healthy age of 65, you'll find the information within very useful. 

Get your copy of

The Ultimate Handbook Of

Natural Cures and Remedies

today and get started

    on your way to natural health. 

You Can Finally Discover

different illness and Disease Secret in

The ultimate handbook of 

natural cures and remedies 

and stay healthy for life 

without spending a dime to any 

doctor or pharmacist

You will learn about the 

Symptoms, Causes, Cures & Treatments

for different illness & disease in this ebook

 "Here are just a few amazing facts 

you'll learn in my Natural Cures Ebook!"



  Acne. Alcoholism . Allergies . Anaemia . Appendicitis . Arterriosclerosis . Arthritis.  Asthma . Backache. Bronchitis.  Cancer. Cataract. Cholera. Cirrhosis Of The Liver. Colitis .Common Cold . Conjunctivitis  Constipation. Cystitis. Dandruff . Defective Vision .Depression . Dermatitis. Diabetes . Diarrhoea . Dysentery. Eczema . Epilepsy. Falling Of Hair .Fatigue. Gall-Bladder Disorders . Gastritis . Glaucoma. Gout .Halitosis. Headaches And Migraine. Heart Disease. Hiatus hernia High Blood Cholesterol.High Blood Pressure. Hydrocele. Hypoglycemia . Indigestion. Influenza. Intestinal worm. Insomnia. Jaundice. Kidney Stones. Leucoderma. Malaria. Measles. Mumps. Neuritis. Nepthritis. Obesity . Peptic Ulcer. Piles. Pleurisy. Pneumonia. Premature Greying Of  Hair. Prostate Disorders. Psoriasis. Pyorrhoea. Rheumatism. Sexual Impotence. Sinusitis. Sore Throat. Stress.Thinness. Tonsillitis. Tuberculosis. Varicose Veins.

 Venereal Diseases(Gonorrhea, Syphilis). Whooping cough




    Principles And Practice Of Nature Cure 

    Fasting - The Master Remedy 

    Therapeutic Baths 

    Curative Powers Of Earth 

    Exercise In Health And Disease 

    Therapeutic Value Of Massage 

    Yoga Therapy 

    Healing Power Of Colours 

Sleep: Restorative Of Tired Body And Mind


Optimum Nutrition For Vigour And Vitality  

 Miracles Of Alkalizing Diet Vitamins & 

Their Importance In Health And Disease 

   Minerals And Their Importance In Nutrition. 

   Amazing Power Of Amino Acids 

   Secrets Of Food Combining 

   Health Promotion The Vegetarian Way 

   Importance Of Dietary Fibre 

   Lecithin - An Amazing Youth Element 

   Role Of Enzymes In Nutrition. 

   Raw Juice Therapy 

   Sprouts For Optimum Nutrition


 Menstrual Disorders 

Pre-menstrual Syndrome 

Menopausal Problems 

 Childbirth The Natural Way 

Habitual Abortion 

Female Sterility . Leucorrhoea 

 Inflammation Of The Uterus 

Prolapse Of The Uterus . Vaginitis 

Pruritus Vulvae .  Hysteria . Goitre

   And much much more...

This is a powerful Natural Cure information product

which you won't regret ever buying

There are tons of other health secret you'll learn in

[The Ultimate Handbook Of Natural Cures And Remedies]

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To a Healthier Lifestyle,

Inspirational Imagery